Ways Your New Puppy Shows You Love

Ways Your New Puppy Shows You Love

Your puppy can show you they love in numerous different ways. Sometimes their proclamations of love are apparent, sometimes not so much, and other times they might seem like the farthest thing from love. But let’s dive into all the numerous ways your furry friend could be showing you love.

Giving You Physical Affection

There are a couple of obvious ways you canine companion shows you love physically—one of those ways being licking. Covering your hand in slobber or trying to give you a big smooch on your face, is how canines communicate that they are intuned with you. Often licking is also used as a sympathetic gesture as well. So if your pup sees that your upset, they may come and try to cover you in licks to cheer you up. This one might be obvious, but when your pooch crawls into your lap – they definitely like you. Puppies crave contact with those they love and trust, so your little pup might also lean against you or lay across your feet. Additionally, if your furry friend likes to nap with you, this is a huge sign of trust and that they feel comfortable and safe being vulnerable around you.

Through Body Language & Actions

There are also several ways your puppy can express their love to you through their body language and actions. A simple act like wagging their tail can mean more than you might think. This action is typically an invitation for you to come closer or pay more attention to them. Jumping or leaping is also an action your pooch might display. Although you don’t want to make this a habit – when your pup is jumping up on you – they’re trying to usually lick you, which, as mentioned before, is a sign of affection. If your pooch rolls over and exposes their belly, this is another vulnerable sign that shows they trust you. If you catch Fido smiling, this is another sure sign that they are happy and love their home. Lastly, playtime is a massive indicator of affection! When a puppy enjoys their owner’s presence, they often bring them toys to encourage playtime.

Sometimes Doing Things You’re Not Very Fond of

Although you might now love these next actions – they are actually signs of affection. If your pooch wets the floor (very different from urine marking) even when they are potty trained, then this is known as submissive urination. Although it’s not something that should ever become a habit, it’s your canine’s way of saying, “I know you are in charge, and I respect you”. If you catch your pooch chewing on your things, it might actually be because it smells like you. Dogs like to be around the things that smell like the person they love the most. Another action you probably don’t love – is when puppies try to sniff your private area. To them, this is a signal of love, even though to us, it can feel like a violation.

Puppies can sometimes show love in mysterious ways. But as long as you’re taking good care of your pooch, there should be no doubt in your mind that they love and adore you.