The Positives to Dog Ownership in 2020

The Positives to Dog Ownership in 2020

If you own a dog, then you already know there are countless benefits to owning a canine companion. But during the pandemic and times of quarantine, they also provide you with numerous benefits. Let’s dive into exactly what some of those benefits are.

Dogs Can Be Calming

Your pooch has no clue what’s going on in the world, which is surprising since they tend to spend a lot of time watching the TV. Shockingly enough, though, all your canine knows is that you’re home more often then you were in the past – and they’re not complaining. So, when you’re feeling overwhelmed, maybe take a few moments just to remind yourself that in their world, you being home more often simply means they get to spend more time with you.

They Can Also Help Reduce Stress

Dogs are excellent at helping reduce stress, which is why therapy dogs are so useful. Studies have shown that spending only a few minutes with your four-legged friend can help lower feelings of anxiety, blood pressure – while increasing levels of serotonin and dopamine.

Your Pup Helps You Stay in a Routine

Sometimes the days can start to blend together when you’re spending so much time at home, barely leaving your house. Luckily your furry friend can help with that. Dogs love routines; they thrive off of them actually. So, following through with your canine’s schedule (if they don’t remind you themselves by barking or nudging you) can help you develop your own routine as well. You can schedule their playtime, walks, and feeding times around your work to give you breaks from your screen throughout the day.

Fido Definitely Helps Keep You Busy

Now that you suddenly have a lot more time on your hands, it can be helpful to pick up new hobbies or crafts. Creating something with your own hands can help you eat up a bit of time in a fun way while also giving yourself a sense of accomplishment. When you have someone to make things for, however, it can make the crafting even more enjoyable. Consider creating DIY dog toys, treats, forts, and maybe even clothes to shower your furry friend with.

Your furry friend can also give you an excuse to create new connections. There are plenty of online message boards and pages dedicated to sharing ideas and bonding over owning a dog during quarantine.