
What to Do When Your Dog Breaks Their Nail

Just like humans, dogs have nails that grow consistently. Unlike humans, dogs need to have their nails trimmed regularly or else they risk intense pain. Unfortunately, nail breaks are still super common. The best you can do as a pet parent is learn how to deal with them. How Do They Happen? Pet nails can…

Best Dog Breeds for Apartment Living

Best Dog Breeds for Apartment Living

Did you grow up with a dog and miss a furry friend greeting you at the door? If you are living in an apartment that doesn’t mean you can’t have a dog; you just have to choose wisely. So what should you look for? Generally, a small, laid back dog that doesn’t shed a whole…

Does My Dog Have a Fever?

Does My Dog Have a Fever?

A general gauge that most of us know to test a dog’s temperature is feeling his nose. Wet and cold is good, hot and dry is a cause for concern. This is just a possible symptom, and should not be cause for concern alone. A dog’s normal temperature is higher than a human’s, ranging between…

The Best Dog Boots for 2020

The Best Dog Boots for 2020

Consider walking on hot pavement, puddle-filled sidewalks, and icy covered streets – without any shoes on. If that sounds awful, remember that your furry friend has to do just that. Our canines don’t have invincible paws. Therefore, they can get uncomfortable or hurt if they aren’t wearing proper gear during bad weather. Protect your pup’s…

¬Do Dogs Understand Humans?

Do Dogs Understand Humans?

Dogs are literally known as (hu)man’s best friend and have been some of our closest companions for thousands of years. We consider these canines to be part of our families, so it makes sense that we would wonder whether or not they can understand us. For a long time, many animal scientists have denied this…

Tips for Treating a Paw Cut on Dogs

Tips for Treating a Paw Cut on Dogs

There’s nothing worse than having an injured pooch and not knowing what you can do to help. With constant contact to the ground and everything on it, your pup’s paw is a prime target for injury. Dogs rely on their paws to absorb shock, make traction, protect them from extreme heat and whatever else is…

Tips for Dog Owners Moving to Chicago

Tips for Dog Owners Moving to Chicago

If you’re a pet parent moving to Chicago or planning on becoming a dog owner once you move, there are some tips you’ll want to know. Here’s some advice to help make you and Fido’s transition to The Windy City smooth and simple. Choosing the Right Neighborhood Chicago is known and celebrated for its diverse…

Looking for Fresh Dog Food? Check Out These Delivery Services

Looking for Fresh Dog Food? Check Out These Delivery Services

Fresh and organic dog food is the way to go with many pet parents these days. With food delivered right to your door made with human-grade ingredients, it’s easy, and you’re giving your dog the best options out there. Want to see what the hype is all about? Check out some of these new delivery…

Foods That Are Dangerous for Dogs

Foods That Are Dangerous for Dogs

With those sweet puppy dog eyes, it can be hard to resist giving your pup a quick bite of whatever you’re cooking, but what you don’t know is how poisonous a lot of the food we eat can be for them. To help you keep your furry friend safe here are some surprising foods you may eat…

Adding a Dog Shower to Your Home

Adding a Dog Shower to Your Home

Your dog can be messy and taking a bath is not always the easiest option, and sometimes can be one of the most difficult. A craze that is starting to become more popular, that also is making your dog’s bath time easier and simpler is a dog shower. To find out if this new interior…