
Cattle Dog Mix wearing the Sit Means Sit ecollar during Chicago Dog Training

What is the Sit Means Sit Collar?

The Sit Means Sit collar is a micro stim modality, that is very similar to those micro stim units used in the medical and athletic fields. These micro stim units essentially use low-level, adjustable electronic stimulation to create a muscle contraction. In the medical field, they are used as aids to help alleviate pain, promote…

Safety Tips for Taking Fido to a Pride Parade

It’s Pride month! Pride month celebrations have been happening all over the country and you be thinking you want to get Fido in on the fun. a great way to do this is by taking your furry friend to a Pride parade! Parades can be super fun for dogs if you are prepared before you…

Check Out These Dog-Friendly Bars in Chicago

Check Out These Dog-Friendly Bars in Chicago

Chicago has plenty to offer its residents and visitors. But what if you’re a dog parent? You can’t always leave your dog at home when you want to go out nor should you, so where can you take them? Read on to find out the best dog-friendly bar spots in Chicago to take your canine…

A Guide to Finding an Apartment that Allows German Shepherds

A Guide to Finding an Apartment that Allows German Shepherds

If you’re a German Shepherd owner, you know just how special they are in your life. But, unfortunately, many landlords ban the breed so finding a dog-friendly apartment that accepts your pooch can be extremely frustrating. In order to find a German Shepherd-friendly apartment, you may have to compromise some of your “must have’s”, but…

Natural Remedies for Your Pup’s Dry Skin

Have you noticed your dog itchy and biting at their skin more than normal? Winter months bring dry skin, while spring and summertime lead to an uprise in allergies. Whatever the cause of your pup’s dry skin, it can be hard to sit back and watch them suffer. Instead of wracking your brain for a…

Finding a Dog-Friendly Apartment in Chicago

Finding a Dog-Friendly Apartment in Chicago

Apartment living can be stressful and adding on a dog to that can make finding a place to stay even harder. But, not in Chicago! The Windy City is extremely pet-friendly and furry friends are welcome in a lot of apartment buildings. This may come as no surprise to locals, but if you’re moving into…

Tips for Tackling the First 24 Hours with Your New Pup

Tips for Tackling the First 24 Hours with Your New Pup

Being a puppy parent can feel like being an actual parent sometimes. Between potty training, teething, sleep deprivation, and special diets, having a puppy is a big responsibility. Being a first-time dog-owner or puppy owner, in general, is challenging to say the least. But those adorable furballs make it all worth it! Here are some…

Dog-Friendly Airbnbs in Chicago

Dog-Friendly Airbnbs in Chicago

Chicago is voted the best big city in the U.S. for a reason. Between the stunning architecture and riveting culture found throughout the city, take a trip with your furry friend to discover the wonders the Windy City has to offer! Check out this list of picturesque places to stay while visiting Chicago to find…

Dog-Friendly Chicago Patios for Fall

Dog-Friendly Chicago Patios for Fall

Fall in Chicago is beautiful as the foliage changes and the weather cools down. This type of weather is perfect for time spent outside on patios especially when your dog can tag along. Not all places are dog-friendly, though, so it is important to know where your dog is welcomed. Luckily, Chicago is one of…

Dog Breeds That Love the Snow

While some dogs have to be bribed to step out in the snow, there are other pups out there that can’t get enough of it. For many canine companions actually, snowy weather is the best time of the year for them. Here are some dog breeds that love to see snowflakes falling from the sky….