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Does My Dog have An Ear Infection?

Does My Dog Have an Ear Infection?

Do you suspect your canine companion may have an ear infection? Read below to learn more!


Ear infections can occur in any breed. However, they are more common in breeds with floppy or hairy ears. This can include mini poodles, cocker spaniels, or old English sheepdogs. Some common symptoms include your furry friend shaking their head or scratching their ears. Additionally, their inflamed ears will become red, develop an odor, and have black or yellow discharge. In severe cases, your pal’s ears can appear crusty, and their ear canals can become narrow.

However, some ear infection symptoms are similar to ear mite symptoms. This includes discharge, head shaking, and ear scratching. So, a vet should examine your canine for an official diagnosis. But, you must identify the type of ear infection to treat it properly.


Severe or untreated ear infections cause an eardrum rupture, leading to hearing loss. Your vet will examine your furry friend to determine what kind of ear infection your companion has. First, they will review your canine’s eardrum to ensure it is intact and free of foreign material. Then, they will take a sample of the ear canal under the microscope. This will help determine the type of organism causing the infection, and, will ensure that your four-legged friend will receive the proper medication for the most effective treatment.


If there is a foreign body, parasite, or wax in the ear canal, your vet will remove it. This can be done with an ear cleaning that your pal may be sedated for. Then, medication will usually be prescribed to administer to your pup. This medication is normally an anti-inflammatory ear drop to help heal your canine’s ear canal. Furthermore, your vet will evaluate if there is an underlying cause, such as food allergies or hormonal issues. Then, treatment of the ear infection will include treatment of the underlying condition.

Ear infections are painful and uncomfortable. So, diagnosing and treating your canine is essential so they can get back to enjoying life! Additionally, you can clean your furry friend’s ears regularly to prevent infection.