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1201 W Commerce St, Dallas, TX 75208


Different Styles of Dog Leashes

Are you ever overwhelmed by the numerous styles of dog leashes available? Read below for a guide on different styles of leashes! Flat  Flat leashes are the standard style. They are commonly made of nylon or rope and can be thick, thin, long, or short. All of these features make it easy to find a…

How to Register a Service Dog: A Simple Guide

When looking to register a service dog, you have three options that will get you on the right path. So, read below to learn how you can register a service dog! 1)Government Requirements Many websites allow you to fill out a registration for your dog to become a service animal. However, the U.S. does not…

Types of Japanese Dog Breeds

Japanese dogs have unique behavioral traits than other dog breeds. There are six main breeds that are descendants of authentic Japanese breeds. Read below to learn more about them!  Akita Inu  The Akita Inu is the largest of the Japanese breeds as they are 24-28 inches tall and can weigh between 70-130 pounds. Additionally, they…

A Guide to Dog Bed Shopping

Whether you have a new pup or are just looking for an upgrade, dog beds can be an overwhelming shopping task. Look no further! Below is a guide to shopping for a dog bed for your furry friend.  Does My Dog Need a Bed? While there is nothing better than snuggling with your pup, it…

dog laying next to owner as owner does yoga

Calm Dog Breeds

Dogs can provide all kinds of support, from emotional to physical. They provide comfort and a sense of home for older owners but can be hard to keep up with in the energy department. Suppose you’re looking for a calm companion for your older relative or prefer a more peaceful furry friend yourself. In that…