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Fun Dog Stuff

Check Out The Most Dog Friendly Businesses of 2024

Check Out The Most Dog-Friendly Businesses in 2024

There are many benefits to dog-friendly workplaces. Having our furry friends at work can reduce stress while increasing productivity and collaboration in the workplace. So, read below to learn about some dog-friendly companies and what they do for their furry friends! Airbnb You can search for “pet-friendly” Airbnb rentals, and the company treats employees’ pups with…

The Best Homemade Pumpkin Dog Treats For Fall

The Best Homemade Pumpkin Dog Treats for Fall

It’s finally fall! That means all things pumpkin! So, read below for the best homemade pumpkin dog treats to embrace the fall season! Pumpkin Spice Puppaccinos Nothing says fall like pumpkin spice. For dog-friendly puppuccinos, you will need to blend: 3/4 cup coconut milk 1 cup pumpkin puree 1/4 tsp cinnamon in a blender until…

Why Do Dogs Like to Lay in the Sun?

Have you ever wondered why your four-legged friend loves to find a sunny spot in the house or on the porch? Most pups love to sunbathe, and here’s why. Why Do Dogs Love The Sun? Dogs enjoy laying in the sun for the same reason we do: it feels good. Laying in the sun is…

My Dog Can Smell Time?

Your pooch can probably anticipate day-to-day events pretty accurately, from predicting when the kids or adults are about to come home to meal times. However, their sense of time can be complex. In other words, yes, dogs can “smell time.” What is Smelling Time? Though you experience your surroundings visually, pups notice shifts through their…

Why Do Dogs Cover their Faces?

Unfortunately, we can’t communicate directly with our dogs no matter how much we wish we know what they are saying. Because of this, our pups rely on body language to communicate how they are feeling to us. Here are some common reasons that your furry friend may cover their face.  An Itch Your pal may…

What Do Dog Sleeping Positions Mean?

Have you ever wondered why your dog sleeps the way it does? Well, sleeping positions can indicate a variety of things, personality- and relationship-wise. Here are the most common dog positions, and what they mean. Curled into a Ball This is probably the most common sleeping position in dogs, and you’re very likely to have…

Impressive Tricks to Teach Your Pup

Impressive Tricks to Teach Your Pup

Sit, lay down, and stay: almost every dog knows these basics. If you’re looking to teach your dog something new, but are bored with the mundane tricks, try some of these suggestions. They can be fun to show off! Kiss To begin training this trick, you will need a post-it or just stick a piece…

Watching Sports with Your Dog

Watching Sports with Your Dog

If you’re a huge sports fan and an avid dog lover, then there’s probably nothing that sounds more fun than having the two together. Watching your favorite sports team play with your canine companion by your side can feel like living the dream. But, watching sports with your pooch isn’t as simple as it may…

DIY Dog Toys You Can Make From Household Items

DIY Dog Toys You Can Make From Household Items

Whether you’re tired of buying new toys or are looking for something fun you can do for your pup -DIY dog toys are a great option. With some everyday household items you can make a variety of different toys for Fido, here are just a few.  Plastic Bottle Tug Toy  What You’ll Need: Plastic Bottle…

Indoor Excersies for Dogs During Bad Weather

Indoor Excersies for Dogs During Bad Weather

Bad weather can mean a variety of things: freezing temperatures, dangerously high temperatures, pouring rain, snow, etc. Whatever kind of bad weather you’re dealing with, in the end, they have the same result: your poor pup is stuck inside, getting more bored by the minute. To help alleviate some of this pent up energy, here…

Dogs Pick Super Bowl LIV Winner

Watch: Dogs Pick Super Bowl LIV Winner

Who’s going to win Super Bowl LIV? Our sister Dog Training Facility in College Station asked their dogs which team is going to win on Sunday. Check out the video below to see the dogs pick!     It’s Super Bowl week and we decided to let our pups pick the winner…who do you think…

Amazon Prime Benefits for Dog Owners

Amazon Prime Benefits for Dog Owners

Did you know your Prime Membership not only benefits you but your furry friend as well! Here are some ways Amazon has made spoiling your canine companion that much easier. Receive a 20% Coupon for Creating an Amazon Pet Profile Now your four-legged friend can have their own profile with the new Amazon Pet Profile….