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Frequently Asked Questions About Puppies

Frequently Asked Questions About Puppies

Getting a new puppy can be stressful for the first few days, weeks, or even months. That cute little puppy you saw a week ago isn’t as cute when they’re tearing up pillows and socks in your house a week later. You begin to wonder if this really is the puppy that was carefully selected by you.

Puppy blues is a real thing. If you keep in mind some ground rules and become consistent with training, bonding, and more, things will get better. No matter how long it takes, your puppy will get easier to handle. Let’s dive into some FAQs about puppies.

How Long Before It Gets Easier?

After about 4-5 months, having a puppy gets easier. This is because they have typically begun to settle by then, are potty-trained, and can focus for longer periods of time. We get so focused on the bad, that we forget about the good moments of having a puppy.

The first few weeks are the most important for training and socializing. Investing the time now will pay off in the future. Prevent the bad habits now before having to fix the behavior later. 

Just remember, it could be worse.

How Long Do Puppy Blues Last?

Puppy blues typically goes away after getting used to late night accidents in the house and taking the little one out. At the latest, it goes away after the puppy begins to show progress. 

Sticking to a training schedule and positively reinforcing your puppy will quickly help the puppy blues go away. However, every dog is different. But once the puppy begins to calm down and not be excited about everything, pet parents can begin to relax. 

At What Age are Puppies Most Difficult?

That depends on your definition of difficult. Potty training is most difficult when beginning with 8-week olds. However then the teething begins and the biting starts. Puppies will then begin to test boundaries between 4-6 months.

Do Puppies Get Worse Before They Get Better?

They can, but not always. Sometimes they aren’t getting worse though, just some things are more challenging than others.

Is It Normal To Regret Getting a Puppy?

As long as you’re not overthinking it, simply thinking about the decision is nothing terrible. Try to think about why you really got your puppy and if you have the time, knowledge, and financial resources to take care of them for the next 10+ years.

If you know the answers to all of this, then don’t feel bad about getting in your head. This is just the beginning and soon things will get better. Soon enough you and your best friend will be sitting poolside with some fruit.

Do Dogs Know When They’re Misbehaving?

This depends on the training they’ve received. Dogs who haven’t been taught certain commands or behavior, don’t knowingly misbehave. There can be a disconnect between what was taught and what you thought you taught.

If you and your dog have strong communication, then you will be able to tell if they got a command down. But be patient, puppies take more time to train than older dogs. Have a reward that will get them excited, it will make training easier.

How Do You Know if a Puppy is Dominant?

Puppies rarely exert dominance. The theory itself is outdated. But some dogs definitely present more challenges than others. If your dog seems to be challenging you, ask yourself if you’re communicating properly, because miscommunication is often the case.

Why Do Puppies Go Crazy at Night?

The first night with a new puppy is one of the most challenging. It’s the first night in a new place, making it scary and crazy. Puppies sleep for almost 18 hours a day, meaning the evening and night are when they have the most time to recharge. Make sure to begin crate training now if that is your future plan.

How to Discipline for Biting?

Verbal corrections and counter-conditioning your dog are typically the best options. If your dog bites you while playing, don’t move your arm away because your dog will begin to think it’s a game. Just get up and leave when this happens and make sure to reward when good behavior is displayed.

How Long Does it Take for a Puppy to Bond?

Puppies typically bond within a matter of weeks or months, but it can also depend on each individual. They follow your actions and commands from day one, so they begin to trust you quickly. Don’t forget that bonds form over time so don’t worry if your puppy forgets about you when socializing.

Is Raising a Puppy Harder Than Raising a Baby?

Everyone has different answers to this question. However, once they are trained with the basics life gets easier as a puppy parent. Training is a lifelong process, but after a year or so there is a strong bond and clear understanding between the both of you. 

Once reaching adulthood, a dog is a good canine citizen with manners. However for babies this takes much longer and there are many more steps in between. Approaching puppies from the standpoint of humans often makes things more difficult as well. Once getting past that, things get easier.

Don’t worry about your puppy now, the more training and bonding in the beginning will produce the best canine citizen you’ve ever met in the future. If you need help with training your new puppy contact us today!