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Tips For Introducing Your Dog To A Cat

Tips for Introducing Your Dog to a Cat

Do you have a new cat in your home? Read below to learn tips for introducing your dog to a cat! 

Prepare Separate Rooms

When bringing home a new dog or cat, it is essential to set up a safe space just for them. This space allows your canine or feline to become comfortable in their new home before being introduced to other household pets. Also, you can choose a room your pet only spends a little time in to avoid disrupting their routine as much as possible. This room can be a bathroom or guest bedroom in which your new pet will spend three to four days before being introduced to the other. 

Rotate Them Through The House

Next, allow one pet to roam the house while the other is confined, then switch. For example, your cat can walk home while your pup is in the backyard. Then, you can roam while your cat is in their safe space. This allows your two companions to get familiar with each other’s smells before meeting each other. 

First Introductions

Once your dog and cat are used to each other’s smells, they are ready to meet each other. But, for their first meeting, you should use a barrier to keep both companions safe. You can use a glass door or a pet gate to achieve this. These sessions can be short but can increase as they become more comfortable.

Additionally, you can use food to create a positive association with these meetings. So, you can feed meals or give treats during these encounters. Ensure both pets are calm and there are no signs of resource guarding or anxiety. 

Freedom and Decreased Supervision

Once your pets are comfortable around each other, they can meet in a common area of the home without the barrier. However, make sure your dog is on a loose leash so you can keep control of them if needed. During these meetings, be mindful of your dog’s and cat’s body language. It is vital to give your cat an elevated surface, such as a cat tree, where they can escape if stressed. Both animals should be allowed to roam closer or farther from their new friend. Please don’t force interaction between your two companions. Once they get along well, they can be together without supervision. You can leave the room briefly before going for more extended periods.

Remember, progress is not always linear. So, avoid putting this introduction process on a timeline and let your cat and dog get comfortable independently without being forced.