

Training Aggressive German Shepherds, Part 2

Part 2 of a session for Rocky with Fred Hassen at our Sit Means Sit Denver dog training facility.

Training Aggressive German Shepherds, Part 1

This video is the first in a series of Fred Hassen working with a Denver dog training client dog, Rocky. The dog is seventeen months old and has both people and dog aggression and has bitten before.

Introduction with Owners of Aggressive German Shepherds

This is a video introducing clients Jim and Kathy, they have two people and dog aggressive German Shepherds. This is the beginning of a six part video of one training session, primarily with Rocky, the male. It should be interesting!

Sit Means Sit Cleveland-Akron In the News

Click on this link & read about our SMS Cleveland-Akron trainer: http://pets.ohio.com/

Denver Dog Obedience Training Client Testimonial

This is a recent testimonial that came to Sit Means Sit Denver from a client named Pete along with his dog, Keala. As you’ll read, Keala was exhibiting some significant aggression when Pete came to us and now with his continued effort and taking advantage of our lifetime group classes, they are both enjoying their…

Denver Dog Training

Dog Training in Denver by Sit Means Sit.