Should I Be Brushing My Dog's Teeth?

Should I Be Brushing My Dog’s Teeth?

You want the best for your dog, and that includes their hygiene. Dogs are similar to humans in the fact that they need proper dental care! So, should you be brushing Fido’s teeth? Read on to find out!

Brushing Teeth

About ⅔ of dogs have periodontal disease. This is caused by a long-term build-up of plaque, gingivitis, and tooth loss. It’s ideal to brush your dog’s teeth twice a day. But, a minimum of three times a week is recommended to keep plaque at bay. Once your pup gets into the routine of having their teeth cleaned, there won’t be a fuss about getting it done. Plus, they might even enjoy the toothpaste!

How to Brush

  1. Get your dog comfortable with you being around their mouth. Hold them and place your hand under their chin or close to their mouth. If they react okay then reward them with a treat, repeat this a few times.
  2. Keep in a quiet place, like the bathroom.
  3. Let your dog inspect the toothbrush and paste before beginning, they’ll be more willing to let you near them if they can see what you’re using.
  4. To brush, do it like how you would on yourself. Add a little bit of paste to the brush and clean in gentle, circular motions. You may want to pair the brushing with treats the first few times to encourage good behavior.
  5. It may take several tries to get them to allow you to get a full brush in on every tooth. Take it slow and reward your pooch with positive reinforcement.

What Toothbrushes to Use?

Using a toothbrush specifically meant for dogs is important. Human toothbrushes may be too rough on canines’ teeth and won’t allow you to handle the process with ease. Look for brushes that:

  • Have angled handles
  • Have multiple head attachments for various uses
  • Small structured brush
  • Finger toothbrushes

Brushing teeth should be considered a necessity in your dog’s hygiene routine, just as routine bathing and nail trimming would be! Regular brushing can help eliminate future painful dental issues and save you and your wallet the heartache of dealing with tooth decay. Remember, toothbrushing is important to your furball’s overall clean bill of health!