Tips for Removing the Smell from Your Carpet

Tips for Removing Accident Smells from Your Carpet

It happens. No matter how young or old your dog is, accidents will happen. It’s nature. It’s easier for us to use the restroom because we have a designated spot and can get rid of it. Dogs rely on us to be taken out, which can be difficult if we are gone for long periods of time. The best you can do is be understanding and know how to clean up the mess so that it doesn’t do damage to your home. 

Step One: Clean up the liquid

This one is the most obvious step, so we’ll cut to the chase. If you woke up and found that your dog has peed on your carpet or upholstery, then attacking the spot with a towel will be your best bet. Lay it down on the spot and use your hands or feet to press it down so that you soak up as much as you can. If you got home and they peed on the kitchen tile, paper towels will be a better bet, followed by wet wipes to clean up residue. 

Step Two: Identify the Stink Spot

Dogs will reuse a spot over and over once they’ve marked it, so if you know which spot Fido prefers then skip this step. If your house smells like pee but there are no noticeable wet spots, then you might be dealing with an older area. Turn off your lights and walk around your home with a black light. The black light will light up any spots, new or old, that have been covered in any sort of bodily fluid. If there are multiple spots, then try setting down a penny on each one so that you remember where they are. 

Step Three: The First Attack

Pee stains can be hard to remove, so attacking spots in 2 waves is important. The first attack you’ll do is with an enzyme cleaner. We suggest Nature’s Miracle Stain and Odor Remover Foam since its safe for dogs and has no distinguishable smell. The enzymes in these products react with the urine and break it down, much like your stomach breaks down foods. Once the stain is broken up, it becomes significantly easier to clean up.

Step Four: The Final Blow

Follow up the first attack with a round of carpet cleaner. There are many products on the market that can help clean your carpet, like these Bissell products, but if you are a little low on funds then you can always rent a machine from Lowes, Home Depot, or even a grocery store. Just make sure that you use an anti-odor carpet shampoo for extra protection against the stink. 

Step Five: Preventative Measures

The last thing you want to do is repeat the process. Once you’ve finished cleaning up, make sure to take some preventative measures. If you’re dealing with a puppy, then some home training is going to be your best bet. You can do this yourself, but if you’re short on time then invest in some of our great dog training. If your dog is a little older and struggling with incontinence, then look into some diapers that they can wear when you can’t give them the attention they need.