Is My Dog Sleeping Enough?

Is My Dog Sleeping Enough?

A significant part of maintaining a healthy brain and body for any animal is getting an appropriate amount of sleep. Since many dogs take naps throughout the day, it can be hard to tell if they’re truly getting all the sleep they need. To help calm your worries as a pet parent, here’s some important information you should know about your pup’s sleeping habits.

How to Tell if Your Pup is Getting Enough Sleep

Most dogs sleep an average of 14 hours a day with the ability to adjust their schedule depending on their routine. Your pooch should be sleeping through the night when you do, as well as taking naps throughout the day. Multiple naps a day is completely normal, but your canine should also be active and ready to exercise and play during the day. Signs that your furry friend might be having sleep issues include:

  • Sleeping all day and being active during the night
  • Having to use the bathroom in the middle of the night
  • Waking you up far before your alarm does
  • Acting lethargic when they’re awake

Could My Dog Have a Sleeping Disorder?

There are a variety of sleep disorders that can affect canines. If you have a pooch that is brachycephalic, they could be experiencing something similar to sleep apnea called brachycephalic airway syndrome. This could cause your canine to repeatedly stop and start breathing, making it difficult for them to enter deep sleep.

Dogs can also suffer from narcolepsy, which causes them to fall asleep at random times suddenly. You might be playing or feeding your pooch, and then all of a sudden, they’re snoozing out of nowhere. Treatment isn’t usually needed for this disorder unless your pup is experiencing multiple episodes in a day.

Another common sleep disorder found in canines is REM sleep behavior disorder. This is where your pup might act out their dreams. So picture your furry friend lying down fast asleep when all of a sudden, their legs start moving like they’re chasing something. Some dogs even get to the point of howling, barking, and biting in their sleep. For severe cases, Fido’s vet would most likely prescribe them potassium bromide to reduce these episodes’ intensity and frequency.

Why Sleep is So Important

Sleep is crucial to your pup’s health for a variety of reasons. It helps Fido’s brain develop, memory ability, learning capacity, and immune system. Plus, sleep-deprived dogs tend to be more prone to infections. A lack of sleep could also cause your furry friend to be put into a bad mood, negatively effecting their actions, learning behavior, and mental flexibility.

Helping Fido Sleep Better

One way you can help Fido get a better night’s sleep is through regular exercise. Not only can your daily walks help with your pup’s sleep, but it can also help regulate their stress levels and promote their overall physical and mental wellbeing. Another helpful thing you can do is refrain from playing any exciting games with them before bed.

If your four-legged friend still isn’t getting enough sleep, it could be due to a sleep disorder or underlying medical condition. The best thing you can do in this case is to contact their veterinarian to evaluate them for any injuries or illnesses.

Your pup’s sleep is important, so as a pet parent monitoring their sleep and ensuring they’re getting enough rest is crucial. Sometimes it’s difficult to know whether or not if Fido is getting enough sleep – when in doubt, call their