
These Dog Breeds Love the Snow

While some dogs hate the winter, other dogs are born for it! Dogs that love the snow are best for colder climates. Today, we’re going to be going over top breeds that love the snow. So, if you live in a cold environment, these could be the dog breeds for you! Siberian Husky Huskies are…

Flying with Your Dog: A Full Guide

Flying with Your Dog: A Full Guide

Flying can be unpredictable for dogs, especially if it’s their first time. Here’s a full guide on how to fly with your furry friend! Preperation. Crate training. Before the flight, make sure to crate-train your dog. This means allowing Fido to become comfortable with being in his crate for a long period of time. Encourage…

Creating a Pet Nook for Fido: A Full Guide

Creating a Pet Nook for Fido: A Full Guide

We all love our furry friends and want to make them feel like a part of our family. So why not make a pet nook? A pet nook is a small space that is just for Fido. Keep reading for tips and tricks on making your pup-friendly pet nook. Making a pet nook could be…

A Full Guide on Old English Sheepdogs

Bringing home a dog is a big step in a person’s life that requires a lot of careful consideration and planning. From researching temperament, dietary needs, and overall health of a breed, there is a lot a dog owner needs to know. Thinking about bringing home an Old English Sheepdog? Here’s what you need to…

Everything You Need to Know About Australian Shepherds

Bringing home a dog is a big step in a person’s life that requires a lot of careful consideration and planning. From researching temperament, dietary needs, and overall health of a breed, there is a lot a dog owner needs to know. Especially when bringing home a big dog like a Doberman. Thinking about bringing…

Everything You Need to Know About Pit Bull Breeds

Everything You Need to Know About Pit Bull Breeds

Hearing the term “Pit Bull” can bring a lot of different perceptions and opinions about the dog breed. Some people perceive the canine as aggressive and dangerous, while others deem the Pit Bull a friendly, loveable breed. However, the Pit Bull is not an official breed! Here is everything you need to know about this…

When to Clean or Replace Your Dogs Things

When to Clean or Replace Your Dogs Things

We wash our own clothes, bedding, and dishes on a regular basis, but it’s easy to let our dog’s items slip our minds. If your pet suffers from allergies, cleaning their items more often could help with their symptoms. In this article we will discuss the recommended timelines for cleaning and replacing your dog’s items….

The Benefits Of Microchipping Dogs

The Benefits Of Microchipping Dogs

Microchips are super tiny computer chips that are about the size of a grain of rice. Through the use of a needle, they’re easily injected into your furry friend’s skin with no need for anesthesia (similar to vaccine administrations). Lately, microchipping your pet has become a more widespread practice. So, if you’re considering microchipping your…

Dog Doesn't Let You Out of Their Sight

Why Your Dog Doesn’t Let You Out of Their Sight

Dogs are known for being pack animals, and you are seen as their pack leader. So it’s natural that your furry friend wants to follow you around now and then. But some dogs take that to a whole new level and start to attach to their owners like velcro. Here’s what you should know about…