Tips for Camping with Your Dog in 2021

Tips for Camping with Your Dog in 2021

At any age, being in the wilderness is exhilarating and a learning experience. Camping can be an exciting activity for the whole family. All family members can enjoy hiking to your destination, setting up camp, and watching the stars – enjoying nature as it once was. A member that might particularly enjoy camping is your dog. A fun activity almost all year round, camping is a popular activity for many dog owners.


Before you go camping, make sure your camping destination is pet-friendly. Some parks do not allow pets for the preservation of the land or for the comfort of other guests. You should also consider your dog’s personality; some dogs enjoy being outside while others can get skittish. Before committing yourself and your dog to camping, make sure they are compatible with doing so. There is also potential that you could come across other campers along the trip, so an obedient dog is vital to ensure others are safe and not offended by your dog’s presence. 

As there are many bugs and parasites in the wild, you should also confirm that your dog’s vaccinations are up to date and they will be protected against potential irritants. It is also important that they have an ID on them at all times with their information including name, contacts, and vaccinations. This will protect your dog and others if something happens.

Pack a first aid kit with supplies for both yourself and your pet. There are many accidents that could happen while camping and is best to be prepared. 

Finally, trim your dog’s nails beforehand as long, sharp nails on a tent could shred your sleeping area.

Camping Trip

As mentioned before, you do not want to disrupt anyone else’s time while camping. Keep your dog with you at all times and do not let them roam far. You should also ensure that you have packed plenty of water, food, and anything else your dog will need. If there is no fresh water available, you should bring more than enough for your expected duration. You do not want to cut your trip short because you did not bring adequate supplies for your dog or yourself so pack properly.

When leaving, make sure you have cleaned your site thoroughly. Not only should you clean your stuff, but your dog’s waste or scraps should also be picked up. This will ensure that future campers have a pleasant experience. By focusing on keeping the parks clean, they can be used by all for a very long time and visitors are not harming any of the creatures that inhabit them. 

Check your dog’s coat before heading home; this will keep out any pesky parasites or plants that want to stick to your dog and cause them discomfort. You do not want to cause displacement of any wildlife, either, so clean both yourself and your pet before traveling back. 

Camping can be a relaxing trip as long as you take the correct precautions before you leave and go home. By taking these steps, you can enjoy nature in its glory and spend time with your beloved pet.