Toys To Keep Your Dog Active

Toys to Keep Your Dog Active

With household chores and errands to run, your pup can spend a lot more time alone than you might realize. And boredom in dogs can lead to destructive behavior. So, to best avoid that – here are some great toys that will keep Fido active and occupied.

Kong Classic Dog Toy

Kong has been around for a long time. Their KONG Classic Dog Toy has been entertaining and occupying pups for years. And it’s no wonder why when it happens to be the most recommended toy for dogs by vets, trainers, and canine behaviorists all over the world. With the immense amount of chewing this toy allows, your pooch is able to stimulate their instincts. You can also get the KONG Classic in a variety of sizes, which can be great if you have a small puppy or large Great Dane. Plus, the hollow of the toy allows you to stuff it with treats or dog-safe peanut butter.

StarMark Bob-A-Lot

The StarMark Bob-A-Lot is a unique and interactive dog toy that allows your furry friend to play during mealtime. With a significant weight and anti-slip bottom, your pooch can go nuts with this toy without it knocking over. Inside the toy is a dual-chamber that is designed to dispense treats in a timely fashion. As the pet parent, you can adjust the slider to determine how quickly or slowly the treats/food are let out.

Kong Air Squeakair Tennis Balls

As mentioned earlier, KONG has been in the business for a while – so they’ve had plenty of time to perfect their dog toys. Their KONG Air Squeakair Tennis Balls are another excellent example of the quality toys they produce. You’ll find the tennis balls are connected to a rope that adds a fun aspect to your pup’s usual fetch time and can initiate a change to tug-of-war. Additionally, the toy also squeaks, which adds auditory stimulation to playtime as well. As a pet parent, it’s also nice to know that the tennis balls are made with a non-abrasive material that caters to touch chewers without breaking down their teeth.

West Paw Zogoflex

If you have a furry friend who is known to be extra tough on their toys, then the West Paw Zogoflex might be a perfect toy for them. The toy not only features a treat dispenser, but it also guarantees to be tough enough for even the most ferocious chewers. The West Paw Zogoflex is designed in a way to hold treats inside securely, so your pooch has to truly work to retrieve them. An added bonus, it also floats – making it a great water toy as well.

Outward Hound Hide-A-Squirrel

Outward Hound Hide-A-Squirrel is great for stimulating your pup’s brain. If you have a dog who likes to dig or burrow, this toy can also be extremely satisfying for them. The toy consists of a plush log-shaped toy with various holes to stuff plush squealing squirrels into. Your canine will end up biting, squishing, pawing, and throwing this toy around in an attempt to pull out every last squirrel inside. So while this toy is excellent for providing mental stimulation, it can also give Fido a physical workout as well.

Keeping your canine companion occupied while you’re busy can sometimes be a hassle. But with these toys, you can keep your pup entertained for hours and prevent any destruction brought on by boredom.