Can Dogs sense pregnancy

Can Dogs Sense Pregnancy?

Dogs Have and INTENSE Sense of Smell

We all have that image in our brains of the dog that can smell things from a mile away, but did you know that their noses are actually 40 times stronger than ours? According to the Phoenix Vet Center, dogs actually have up to 300 million olfactory receptors in their noses, which is millions more than we do. Not only that, but they have an entire section of their brain that is completely dedicated to smell. How wild is that? That’s why dogs can be trained to sniff out a variety of things – lost people, drugs, bombs, and more. 

Even though they have such an incredible sense of smell, we have to remember that they can’t actually smell pregnancy. What they can smell is the change in hormones. When women first become pregnant, they start to release more progesterone and estrogen, as well as chorionic gonadotropin, which is specifically attributed to humans. So, if you notice a shift in behavior from your dog, its because they noticed that change within you.

Dogs are Perceptive

Once you bring a dog into your life, they start to fall into your routine. You wake up every morning, eat breakfast, leave and then come back for dinner. Every day is the same. When a family finds out about their pregnancy, that routine begins to change. They may start to decorate the spare room or bring in baby equipment. Just like with the change in hormones, your dog notices. Even though they might not understand exactly why things are changing, they understand that something is going on.

If you notice your furry friend reacting differently to his surroundings, keep in mind that he can probably tell something is going on. It’s best to be patient with them as they go through this journey with you.