Ways to Clean Dog Vomit From Carpet

Methods of Cleaning Dog Vomit From Carpet

Dog vomit is inevitable, and if you have any square footage of carpet it’s almost guaranteed your pup will find it when it comes to getting sick. There are a multitude of options when it comes to the clean up process, both homemade and store-bought. Let’s take a look at some. One thing to note is you should always wear gloves when cleaning up vomit, getting as much off of the carpet before trying to clean the area.

Baking Soda, Dish Soap, and Vinegar Homemade Cleaner

After discarding the vomit, sprinkle cornstarch or baking soda on the area, allowing it to soak up the liquid for 10 minutes. It can then be easily vacuumed up. To disinfect the area, combine 1 tablespoon of dish soap with 1 tablespoon of white vinegar with 2 cups of warm water. Use a cloth to rub the mixture into the carpet. After a few minutes, take a clean cloth dipped in cold water and relieve the area of the mixture. You can then blot the area dry.

White Vinegar and Water Homemade Cleaner

Combine the two ingredients in a spray bottle then spray the affected area, being sure to not saturate the carpet. After a minute or less, blot with a white towel. Repeat until the stain is removed. After the area is dry, you can vacuum the area.

Ammonia Homemade Cleaner

It is important to wear a mask and ventilate the room when using ammonia and to NEVER mix with bleach. Combine 1 cup of water and 1 tablespoon of ammonia. Using a white towel, dip in the mixture and blot the carpet where the vomit is. Again, don’t saturate the area. Blot with a clean white towel dipped in cold water. Repeat until the stain is gone.

Stain and Odor Remover Sprays

These sprays are a top contender when it comes to animal accidents. Many are even organic, making them less worrisome to use around children and pets. The spray should be used after most of the vomit has been cleaned up. Each cleaner is different, so consult the cleaner’s directions for use and time on the carpet.

Portable Carpet Cleaners

These small cleaners are becoming increasingly popular for accidents in the home. They allow you to use almost any cleaner you’d like with a sprayer and a tank for collecting the mess. There’s even built-in scrubbing brushes.

Pet Carpet Steam Cleaner

The steam cleaners get a deeper clean than most other options. Most pet varieties are less bulky than the average carpet cleaner. Many even offer heating abilities to dry the cleaned area when finished.

Absorbent Granules

Simple to use by sprinkling on the mess, the granules collect the liquid and then are easily vacuumed up. Safe around kids and pets and are color-safe. There are non-toxic and chemical-free options.

Experiment with various solutions. It may depend on what your dog threw up and how much, but each of these, when used properly, can clean and neutralize your carpet, keeping them clean and safe for your family and pets. Some of these options will even work on couches. It’s important to test color fastness before using any cleaner on a new material. Hopefully you don’t need to use these options too often, but good luck if you do!