Robert Burnell

Bob Burnell to teach CPR to K9 Handlers

Sit Means Sit Trainer/Pet Tech Instructor Bob Burnell will be teaching Canine CPR to the K9 Handlers and attendees at the 2011 Invictus Lawdog Conference that is being held in Las Vegas on May 25 & 26

2011 Amazing Pet Expo- South Florida Fairgrounds

Sit Means Sit of Palm Beach County participated in the 2011 Amazing Pet Expo that was held at the South Florida Fairgounds. Here are two videos from that event. The first is an interview we did with Channel 12 News and the other is segments from two demonstrations that Kody and I put on for…

Thanks for training Lacey’s family

Testimonial – Lacey Bob, I would like to thank you for training my family in helping them understand me better. By teaching them the proper way to talk to me and redirect my loving enthusiasm in fun and happy way, it has made our lives so much more enjoyable. Because I am still a puppy,…

S.P.I.A.A. (Southern Police InstituteAlumni Association) Conferences

The 59th S.P.I.A.A. conferences are being held this week @ the” Hilton Oceanfront resort” on Singer Island, Florida. Sit Means Sit Palm Beach was asked to attend as a vendor/demonstrator for the event. Kody was a big hit and we had a great time.

Testimonial- Dragon

Hello Bob! Remember me I am Dragon’s mommy 🙂 Just got your newsletter and wanted to drop a quick line to say hi! Dragon is amazing (largely because of you). I have been meaning to send you a video of him. We have moved so he has a bigger space and a yard 🙂 We…

Bob Burnell receives Instructors Certification from Pet Tech to teach Pet CPR and First Aid

I recently had the privilege of attending a three day course offered by Pet Tech to become an instructor in Pet CPR and First Aid. The course was taught by Thom Somes who is the President of Pet Tech. Pet Tech is the first international training center dedicated to First Aid, CPR & Care for…

Testimonial- Deliah

Bob, Deliah did great today! When my friend came over, she did really well. No pulling…she really listened and my friend was able to approach her without any problem. I was thrilled! Also, I did exactly what you said when she was about to go into her witching hour…I clicked on her leash and we…

Simmons Veterinary Clinic- PAWDI GRAS Event

The Staff at Simmons Veterinary clinic did a fantastic job in putting together this year’s client appreciation event. The theme was a spin off of Mardi Gras- Pawdi Gras. There were live bands, food and spirits, exhibitions by the folks from Disc Connected K9 and dog races. There were over 400 people in attendance and…