Canine Vaccinations

Distemper- A highly contagious vital disease. Symptoms may include seizures, lack of coordination, uncontrollable twitching and paralysis. Distemper is frequently fatal.

Hepatitis- A highly contagious virus, which is usually spread to a susceptible dog by contact with an infected individuals urine, stool or saliva. Symptoms include fever, red eyes, and discharge from eyes, nose and mouth. Hepatitis can be fatal.

Leptospirosis- A bacterial disease spread through contact with contaminated urine. Symptoms include abdominal pain, ulcers in mouth or tongue, a thick brown coating on the tongue, red eyes, bloody diarrhea and vomiting. Leptospriosis can cause liver, kidney, and digestive tract damage. Is often fatal.

Parainfluenza- Sometimes known as “Kennel cough” and is highly contagious. Symptoms include a dry hacking cough and occasional nasal discharge. It is not life threatening, although it can be dangerous to very young puppies.

Parvo- A viral disease that attacks a dog’s rapidly producing cells. These include bone marrow, lymph nodes, as well as the lining of the gastrointestinal tract. Symptoms include depression, appetite loss, severe vomiting and diarrhea. Can be fatal if not treated quickly. Is highly contagious and often occurs in epidemic proportions. One of the main reasons why puppies should not be admitted into group obedience classes.

Bordatella- A form of parainfluenza

Corona- A viral infection that can affect dogs of all ages. Spread through contact with oral or fecal secretions. Particularly dangerous to young puppies. Symptoms include loss of appetite, and moderate to severe diarrhea (often yellow-orange and very foul smelling). Can be fatal.