Common Canine Health Problems

Cystis- An infection in the bladder. Common in both male and females. Symptoms include frequent urination with possible blood in urine. Urination may appear difficult and painful. Females sometimes have a vaginal discharge and lick the vulva often. Treatable with antibiotics.
Common symptoms of urinary problems include excessive drinking and urination, straining to urinate, frequent urination in small amounts, inability to urinate, uncontrollable urination, blood or pus in the urine, vomiting, hunched up posture, and weight and appetite loss.

Tumors- Usually occur in older dogs over the age of 5, and most are often benign. Have a Veterinarian check any unusual lumps or growths immediately.

Bloat- “The technical name for bloat is “Gastric Dilatation-Volvulus” (“GDV”). Bloating of the stomach is often related to swallowed air (although food and fluid can also be present). It usually happens when there’s an abnormal accumulation of air, fluid, and/or foam in the stomach (“gastric dilatation”). Stress can be a significant contributing factor also. Bloat can occur with or without “volvulus” (twisting). As the stomach swells, it may rotate 90° to 360°, twisting between its fixed attachments at the esophagus (food tube) and at the duodenum (the upper intestine). The twisting stomach traps air, food, and water in the stomach. The bloated stomach obstructs veins in the abdomen, leading to low blood pressure, shock, and damage to internal organs. The combined effect can quickly kill a dog.” For further information on symptoms, causes and breeds at risk, consult this website