dog training techniques

Understanding Dog Aggression

What You Should Know About The Kinds Of Dog Aggression Animals that live in groups have to be able to communicate in order to cooperate and avoid disputes. Communicating involves a set of postural and facial signals that indicate the animal’s mood and intent. Affiliative (Friendly) Behavior decreases the social distance between participants in an…

Separation Anxiety

Few things cause more distress in a dog and its owner than Separation Anxiety. The dog can become destructive, vocalizes loudly, soils in the house and is some cases will even defecate on the owners bed. The behavior may not be as bad as this. The dog may only pant, or pace alot. All is…

Choosing the right toy can save you a world of problems.

Selecting the proper toy for your dog is more critical then you might think. Going to the pet store and saying ” oh, this is so cute, my puppy will love it” may not be the best way to go. Choosing a stuffed toy may open the door to your dog chewing on pillows, clothes…

The importance of socializing your dog

Few people understand what proper socialization is, and how critical it is to reducing dog bites. Proper socialization- the act of teaching the dog to not react by de-sensitizing him to those things he will encounter in daily life. The positive exposure of the puppy to many situations and environments that the puppy may encounter….

Solving problems before they occur by selecting the most appropriate dog for your family.

One of the best ways of avoiding problems associated with owing a dog, aside from training, is selecting a dog that most closely fits into your lifestyle. Do some research into the various breeds so that you can make an informed decision. That cute puppy may grow up and be a dog that was not…

Key idea to remember during training

Focus on being proactive, (i.e. praising the dog whenever he performs any acceptable alternate behaviors), instead of reactive, (i.e. leash and collar corrections, yelling, etc) Many dog owners ignore their dogs when they are behaving (i.e. lying quietly). As the dog receives attention when he is engaging in inappropriate behavior, the dog figures out that…