How To Safely Remove A Tick From Fido

How to Safely Remove a Tick from Fido

Oh no! Did you find a tick on your furry friend? Read below to learn how to remove a tick from Fido safely!

1. Gather Tools

To remove a tick from your furry friend, you will need disposable gloves, a pair of tweezers or a tick removal tool, soap and water, isopropyl alcohol, and antibiotic ointment. So, before you begin, gather all the tools you will need to simplify the process.

2. Identify Bite Site

Next, spread your pal’s fur so you can clearly see the tick and the bite site. You may want a helping hand to hold your companion or distract them with a treat or toy. The more still your four-legged friend is, the smoother the process will be.

3. Grasp With Tweezers

Then, use tweezers or the tick removal tool to grasp the tick as close to your pal’s skin as possible. The goal is to remove the tick in one piece. So, the closer you can get to the skin, the better.

4. Gently Pull Upward

Using tweezers, use slow and steady pressure to pull the tick upward. However, if you use a tick removal tool, you will twist the tool as you pull up.

5. Ensure All Parts Are Removed

If you notice that the tick’s head or mouth remains in your canine’s skin, please don’t try to remove it. Trying to remove the rest of the tick yourself can lead to infection. Instead, take your pal to the vet so they can remove the rest of the tick in a sterile environment.

6. Clean The Site

Next, clean the site with soap and water. Additionally, you can apply antibiotic ointment to the spot to help prevent infection.

7. Dispose Properly

Then, dispose of the tick correctly. To properly dispose of the tick, place it in a jar with isopropyl alcohol to kill the tick. However, you should also hold onto the jar for about a week. Because, if you notice the bite site becoming inflamed or your pal gets sick, take the tick to the vet. Then, they can determine what kind of tick it is and what diseases may have been transmitted. It is always better to be safe than sorry!

Follow the steps above the next time you need to remove a tick from Fido!