Do Dogs Enjoy TV or Music On While Home Alone?

Do Dogs Enjoy Having TV or Music On When They’re Home Alone?

Our dogs love spending time with us even more than we love spending time with them! Unfortunately, though, we have work to do and errands to run, so our dogs are going to have to spend some time home alone. Even when we can’t be there with our dogs, we want them to be entertained, so many dog owners have turned to TV or music to make sure their dogs don’t get too lonely. But which do dogs prefer? Read on to learn more about choosing TV or music for your stay-at-home dog.

Can My Dog Watch TV?

Watching too much TV can cause anyone to become a couch potato, and you should make sure that your dog is still getting the exercise that they need to live a happy and healthy life. However, some TV-watching in moderation isn’t a bad thing! Dogs have stronger senses of smell and hearing than they do eyesight, so they probably won’t be super engaged in watching the TV. After all, they only see flickers of images on the screen and are much more interested in sniffing around in your home. There is some evidence that dogs like TV, but it probably isn’t their favorite activity.

Background Noise

Since dogs are more attuned to their hearing than their vision, the TV can serve as excellent background noise for them to feel more at home and comfortable when you’re gone. Your dog is used to hearing your voice in the home, so playing the TV will also help them feel less lonely. For this reason, TV may be a better option for you to put on than music. However, music can be extremely peaceful background noise as well and can help your dog relax if they’re feeling any anxiety about your absence. Both options have their own merits, and both dog-friendly TV and dog-friendly music are specially designed to cater to our canine companions.

Distractions from Trouble

We love our dogs, but they love causing trouble! When you’re not there to monitor and entertain your pup, they may resort to causing trouble in your home to stay entertained. Playing the TV or some relaxing music is a great way to keep your dog’s mind engaged without causing trouble in your home. Dogs have short attention spans, so once they’ve used up their attention, they’ll move onto the next thing that catches their attention. Constant engagement from the TV or radio will keep your dog focused for extended periods of time. No more trouble for you!

Music and TV are both great distractions to keep your dog out of trouble while you’re gone. Keep tabs on their preferences and try out both to see whether music or TV engages your dog the most. You might also take a look at our article about the importance of positivity for your dog.