Is Kale Safe for Dogs to Eat

You may toss kale into your morning smoothie or in your salad for lunch. But, can fido eat Kale?

Is Kale Safe?

Yes! Kale is a leafy green that has a ton of vitamins and minerals. Kale is a superfood that is good for both you and your dog! However, you should only give your pal kale in small amounts.

Benefits of Kale

Kale is rich in vitamin A, vitamin B6, vitamin C, and vitamin E. Additionally, the plant also provides thiamin, riboflavin, iron, potassium, and phosphorus. Also, kale contains antioxidants including lutein and zeaxanthin. And, these antioxidants can potentially protect your furry friend from cancer.

However, too much kale in your companion’s diet can have negative effects. This can include gastric issues, kidney stones, bladder stones, or thyroid dysfunction. So, be sure to feed your pal kale in safe amounts.

How To Add Kale To Fido’s Diet


Boiling kale reduces its nutritional value. So, you should lightly steam or blanch it instead. To blanch, quickly submerge the kale in boiling water and then in ice water. Blanching is also a great way to clean the vegetable without losing much flavor or vitamins.

Massage and Saute

Massaging the kale leaves will help to make them tender enough to eat without having to cook them. Before doing this, you should slice the leaves. Even after massaging, you can still saute them before giving them to your companion.


Steamed or blanched kale can be pureed in a food processor. You can also include the leaves and stems in this mixture. Or you can add kale to a smoothie with blueberries, bananas, yogurt, or other fruits and veggies. These smoothies make great toppings to your pup’s kibble and can even be a delicious frozen treat!

Adding additional nutrients to your companion’s diet is a great thing to do and will provide numerous benefits!