The Best Hiking Gear For Your Dog

The Best Hiking Gear for Your Dog

Planning a hiking trip with your furry friend? Read below to learn about the best hiking gear essentials for your dog!

First Aid Kit

Dog First Aid Kit

A basic first aid kit is necessary for you and your companion while hiking. Hopefully, you will never need it, but it is better to be prepared! This vet-approved kit ensures all the products are accurate and relevant to your pup. Additionally, it contains quality products to keep you prepared in case of an emergency.

Water Bottle

Dog Hiking Water Bottle

Pack enough water to meet your and your canine’s drinking needs! Along with food and treats for your hiking trip, be sure to pack a water bottle! If you rely on outdoor water sources, ensure that you can purify the water before you and your pal drink it.

Insect Repellant

Dog Insect Repellant

A dog-friendly insect repellant is a must-have! This spray will prevent ticks and fleas from clinging to your furry friend. However, please do a patch test before you hit the trails to ensure your canine does not react adversely to the repellant’s formula.


Dog Hiking Backpack

If you are going on longer hikes, consider getting your pup their own backpack. Dogs that love having a job to do will love this responsibility. However, keep the bag filled with lighter gear. This can include treats, doggie bags, food, and portable chargers. Also, pack a leash, collar, or harness for your adventure. The area you are hiking in may require a leash by law, and it is just a common courtesy to others on the trail.


Dog Booties

Doggy booties will help protect your companion’s feet from rough terrain and vegetation. These booties come in multiple sizes and colors so that you can make the best selection for your canine. Additionally, they are suitable for winter, summer, or wet conditions so that they can be used for year-round hiking trips or whenever your pal needs extra protection. Booties give your pal stability and traction while protecting their tender paw pads.

Follow the guide above when packing for your next hiking adventure with Fido!