What is Trancing in Dogs?

Have you ever noticed your pup acting a bit weird? While dogs are quirky, some quirks are not as common. Trancing is also known as “ghost walking” and can be strange to witness. If you are unfamiliar with trancing, read below!

What is Trancing?

Trancing is when a dog will slowly and cautiously walk under overhanding objects. These objects can include foliage, tablecloths, and curtains. Additionally, they may freeze and appear “in a trance.” You may notice your pup slowly walking as if trying to sneak around quietly.

Can My Dog Trance?

Trancing is most commonly reported among Bull Terriers. However, other breeds have been seen trancing as well. Though Bull Terriers may be predisposed to trancing, they are not guaranteed to trance. Additionally, other species are not guaranteed not to trance either.

Is Trancing Dangerous?

Though it may be strange to watch, trancing is not harmful to your canine. Unlike other medical conditions, such as seizures, your pup can be “snapped out” of it by calling their name or giving a command. Additionally, a trancing dog will act normal before and after an episode. Adversely, a dog with a seizure or other medical attack will not function normally before and after the event. A dog will only experience a trance for a few minutes and may even feel slightly annoyed to be pulled out of the episode.

Is Trancing a Behavioral Disorder?

Just because your dog trances does not mean they have a behavioral disorder. There is little to no correlation between trancing and the obsessive-compulsive disorder of tail chasing. However, trancing may be a compulsive behavior. If so, they may respond to interventions such as enrichment activities, including food puzzles, interactive toys, and more exercise.

Trancing is just a quirk that some canines have. Additionally, you should not worry if your dog trances because it is not dangerous and is not commonly a pre-cursor to OCD. So go ahead and let your four-legged friend be weird and have fun!