Fun Dog Stuff

Is My Dog Dreaming?

Have you ever watched your sleeping companion and wondered if they are dreaming? Do Dogs Dream? Yes! Researchers have found that animals have the same kind of sleeping behaviors we do. The research compared working brain activity to sleeping brain activity and found that the working activity reappeared during sleep. This allowed them to conclude…

Should You Leave the TV on for Fido?

We are constantly trying to find ways to comfort and entertain our pups while we are away. Is leaving the TV on for our furry friends a good solution? Positives The TV is a great way to down out noises that bother your pup. For example, noises such as construction, thunder, or fireworks can be…

Why It’s Important to Let Your Dog Sniff on Walks

While it might be a bit frustrating having your dog stop and sniff every five seconds, sniffing time on walks is actually very important!  Our Dogs Can’t Help But Sniff! Dogs are little smelling machines! Dogs actually have 300 million olfactory receptors in their noses, which means they can analyze smells 40 times better than…