Tips For Taking the Best Photos of Your Dog

Tips for Taking the Best Photos of Your Dog

As proud pet parents, we love to take a million pictures of our pooches. But sometimes, our furry friends aren’t the most photogenic. Keep reading for tips on how to take the best photos of your dog.

Perfect your lighting

When taking photos of your pup, it’s best to use natural lighting. Natural lighting ensures your pup is well-lit without needing to use your flash or blinding lights. Those photography tricks are often startling to our furry friends and will make them reluctant to sit still for their picture.  If shooting outside, plan to photograph on an overcast day. The clouds will diffuse and soften the sunlight, creating an even background. Shooting during the golden hour will create beautiful lighting conditions, perfect for a pooch portrait.

Focus on the eyes

As the saying goes, “Eyes are the windows to the soul,” and that’s true for photographing your pup. While taking your picture, focus your camera on your furry friend’s eyes. This creates a sharper and more focused photograph. While shooting, it’s also good to keep your camera at eye level. This makes the perspective of the shot natural and looks amazing!

Blur the background

A great way to make your pooch the star of their photograph is to blur the background of your doggy portrait. One of the easiest ways to do this is by selecting the “portrait mode” option while taking a photo on an iPhone. It will automatically blur the background of the photo, creating a professional look for your snapshots! If you’re using a professional camera, place your dog ten feet in front of you, and set your aperture to F2.8.

Incorporate Action

We all know our furry friends can have a hard time sitting still, especially for a photography session. So why not incorporate some action in your photos? Capturing your pup playing, running around, or performing a trick is a great way to naturally showcase their personality! To make sure your action shots aren’t blurred, use a faster shutter speed.

Showcase Fido’s personality.

This is probably the most important tip of all. When taking photos of your dog, you want to capture their whole being, not just their likeness. Chose a location that your dog will love, or incorporate their favorite toy into the photos. Also, make sure your dog is having a good time. If your furry friend is showing any sides of stress or fear, such as a droopy tail or pinned back ears. If your dog is showing any of these signs, stop shooting immediately. Your pup’s comfort and happiness should always come first.

The next time you want to take a picture of your pooch, keep these helpful tips in mind!