Train 2 dogs at once more efficiently

Sit Means Sit dog training makes it much easier to train 2 dogs at once with our training system as you see this client doing here.

Sit Means Sit offers training for pets, police dogs, and service dogs. They use attention-based methods to train dogs. The program uses different tools like leashes, collars, food, and toys. Sit Means Sit also has a special remote electronic training collar.

However, our collar is different than those supermarket dog collars that will just torture your dog to no avail! This collar sends a low-level signal to get the dog’s attention, it’s not there to torture your furry friend. In fact, you can first check the collar intensity and then decide. Our collar is designed to be more like a tap in the shoulder that keeps your dog from being distracted.

Some Sit Means Sit locations also provide pet boarding services. The training aims to create well-behaved and happy dogs through positive reinforcement and clear communication. Our trainers focus on building a strong bond between the dog and its owner.

Sit Means Sit has many locations across the U.S., Australia, and Canada. We offer free demonstrations so you can see how the training works with your own dog.

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