Teach your dog to stop instantly

In this dog training video, Darin Shepherd from Sit Means Sit Dog Training Atlanta Georgia shows one of the many advantages of the Sit Means Sit Dog Training system which allows you to get to a dog from anywhere, and to do it immediately.

This is obviously more efficient than having to go up next to the dog, because you could do it from anywhere, would not have to raise your voice, and would be able to adjust things instantly according to the temperament of your particular dog, or even during the changing of your dogs temperament in an isolated instance.

Our dog training system makes this information much more transferrable to owners and families than any other way, and provides a clearness in the dog’s learning that is unmatched.

Notice also how Darin is able to maintain enthusiasm with his dog ‘Bauer’ which is vitally important in dog training.

Darin was also one of the feature presenters at the 2009 HITS Police demonstration.

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