Get the Facts:
What You Need To Know to Get Your Dog to Behave
Sit Means Sit wants to inform you about the 3 basic steps to help you to start training your dog. Whether you want your dog to give you his paw after he sits, or stay close to you when you’re outside–we have the basics to get you started.
1- Teach the Training Language.
We call it the ‘language of the collar.’ Your dog needs to know the commands associated with the use of the collar in order to learn how to behave.
2- Teach the Meaning of Attention.
You have to teach your dog the meaning and significance of paying attention. (Yes, they are capable of learning that!) To do so, you will have to use some footwork, some obstacles and some real world distractions.
3- Reward the Correct Decision.
Make sure that when your dog does obey you, you let them know that they made the right decision. This can be done in any number of ways from treats to reassurance and beyond.
Sound like a lot of work to start on your own? Find a certified Sit Means Sit dog trainer near you today to get some help.