Reasons to Not Shave Your Dog

Reasons to Not Shave Your Dog

Shaving your pup may seem like the best idea to keep them cool in the warmer months. After all, you assume that your dog is hot and sweating under their thick fur coat. But some professional groomers and vets say that shaving your dog isn’t actually better for temperature regulation.

Keeping Your Dog Cool

Your knowledge of temperature regulation probably comes from your own bodily experience. But dogs’ system of regulation is different from humans. Dogs’ sweat glands are mostly limited to their paw pads, as their main cooling mechanisms are vasodilation and panting. Panting allows a dog to cool down by 80%. While panting, a dog brings cooler air in contact with the moist tissue in their lungs and mouth where it then can evaporate and reduce heat.

Why Do Dogs Have So Much Fur?

Many dogs have a double coat, which means they hold a combination of long and stiff hairs for guarding and then short and fluffy dense hair. A double coat allows for insulation in cold and heat, is likely waterproof, and protective. The double coat insulation helps maintain body temperature so your dog doesn’t have to work as much to stay at a comfortable temperature.

Reasons to Shave A Double-Coated Pup

Shaving a dog is a good idea when:

  • Older dogs are unable to self-groom
  • Your dog has surgery
  • Severely matted fur from neglect
  • Skin diseases or conditions
  • If your dog prefers a thinner coat in summer months

Dangers of Shaving

  • Coat may take a longer time to regrow due to changed in protective hair lengths
  • Risk of sunburn
  • Risk of heat stroke
  • Risk of skin cancer

Dealing With Fur

Since you want to try and keep your dog’s coat intact, they may seem to shed more during seasonal changes. Purchasing some fur removing tools or tools to maintain shedding will be helpful in seeing less fur!

Consult your vet or a certified groomer before completely shaving your dog’s coat. You may be doing more harm than good by accident, so be sure to protect your dog and don’t groom without a purpose!