Health & Safety

Why Dogs Need Stability

Why Dogs Need Stability

Something you’ve probably heard a handful of times as a pet parent is that your dog needs consistent routines. While stability for your pooch is essential, you may not know precisely why. Read on to find out why habits are so beneficial for canines, and how you might be able to improve yours. Why Routine…

Can Dogs Catch the Flu/Cold from Humans?

Can Dogs Catch the Flu/Cold from Humans?

Bird Flu and Swine Flu are clear examples of how we can contract illnesses from other animals, so the question is, can your furry friend get sick from you? Yes, your canine companion can contract the flu from you – but it is highly uncommon. Regardless it’s still important to know the signs of the flu…

Dog Park Etiquette

Dog Park Etiquette

The dog park can be a fun and exciting place for your dog that provides physical and mental stimulation. Before making the trip to one though, it’s important to know the proper etiquette to not upset other owners or dogs, and to avoid any kind of confrontation. To help here are some of the most…

Pet Insurance for Your Dog

Should I Get Pet Insurance for My Dog?

Pet insurance has become a growing trend for dog owners in recent years. If your dog has an emergency, dog insurance can help you rest easy in knowing your pup is covered. But what exactly does pet insurance cover? Which one is best for me? And do I even need it? All questions any owners…

Tick Protection Tips for Spring & Summer

April is here and the summer is near. Summer means spending more time outside playing with your dog. While it is fun to get outside and enjoy the weather, there are some dangers that can arise from these outdoor playtimes. In the warmer weather, your pet is more susceptible to fleas and ticks. Here is…

Dos and Don’ts of Feeding Leftovers

It can be tough to keep an eye on everything that you’re dog is eating. When you have kids or guests in your home, it can be especially hard to monitor what is going into their mouth. It is fun and important to give your dog treats, but it is also key to know the…

How Often Should My Dog See a Vet?

We all know going to the vet is extremely important. From vaccinations to regular check ups, there are so many things our vets do to keep our dogs healthy. But what is the right amount to be visiting the vet? While the amount will vary from dog to dog, guidelines for visits are relatively similar…