Can CBD Help Doggy Arthritis?

If your companion struggles with arthritis, you know how difficult it can be. It hurts our hearts to see our pals in pain. Your furry friend may be prescribed medication, such as NSAIDs, to help mitigate symptoms. However, these medications can have unwanted side effects. This includes vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite, depression, and lethargy. So, how else can you help your pal? Well, what if CBD could help with doggy arthritis?

What is CBD?

CBD is a compound from the hemp plant referred to as a cannabinoid. These cannabinoids interact with the endocannabinoid system or ECS. This system is composed of receptors, neurotransmitters, and proteins to help regulate and maintain multiple body functions and processes. Endocannabinoids are made in the body and CBD mimics this chemical.

Can It Help My Dog’s Arthritis?

studies have shown that CBD relieves pain and improves the quality of life in dogs with arthritis. Owners found that their pals were visibly happier, in less pain, and even climbing stairs after just days on CBD. Studies found success when dogs were given 4.4 mg of CBD per pound of body weight twice daily. CBD can also improve itchiness, anxiety, and seizures.

How Do I Choose What To Use?

Firstly, avoid any product formulated for humans. CBD products also containing terpenes from the cannabis plant seem to work best. However, avoid products that contain THC. This is because THC can cause toxicity and even death in dogs. Additionally, CBD does not give the “high” feeling like THC does. When you do begin to give your pal CBD, administer by mouth .2 to .4 mg per pound of your pal’s weight. Then, you can gradually increase the dose.

If your companion has arthritis, consider using CBD to help relieve some of their symptoms. Additionally, you can talk with your vet about dosage and other concerns you may have.