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Why Do Dogs Like to Lay in the Sun?

Have you ever wondered why your four-legged friend loves to find a sunny spot in the house or on the porch? Most pups love to sunbathe, and here’s why.

Why Do Dogs Love The Sun?

Dogs enjoy laying in the sun for the same reason we do: it feels good. Laying in the sun is warm and relaxing for your furry friend, just like how we love to soak up some rays at the beach or in our backyard. Additionally, the sun helps to regulate body temperature, warm fido on a cold day, and dry off when wet. 

Benefits of Sunlight

First, sunlight helps to regulate your and your pup’s circadian rhythm. Your circadian rhythm is your sleep-wake cycle which is essential to good health. Melatonin signals the body that it is time for sleep. This hormone rises when it gets dark and is suppressed in sunlight.

Additionally, sunlight helps to keep your pup happy and healthy. For example, dogs in areas of the world that experience dark winters have been known to develop light-responsive alopecia. This condition causes dogs to loos patches of hair and follows a seasonal pattern where they lose hair in the fall and regrowth occurs in the spring. 

Another benefit of sunlight is the release of the hormone serotonin. This hormone is mood-boosting that has many other functions. Serotonin regulates your companion’s mood and fosters a sense of well-being for them. 

Vitamin D 

While humans are efficient at producing vitamin D through exposure to the sun, our furry friends are inefficient. You may think sunbathing provides your pup with a great source of vitamin D. But, they are actually dependent on their diet to meet these requirements. Vitamin D regulates the calcium and phosphorus balance in dogs. Additionally, vitamin D aids in bone formation and muscle and nerve control. 

Can Dogs Get Too Much Sun?

While sunbathing provides numerous benefits, too much exposure to the sun can be harmful. For example, UV rays can cause a sunburn on you and your companion. You can protect your pup from sun exposure with sunscreen. Additionally, too much sun exposure can lead to overheating or heat stroke. However, most pups instinctively move out of direct sunlight when they become too hot. But, you should still be conscious of these concerns when spending time outside. 

Most dogs have a favorite spot in the house to take a nice, warm, sunny nap. Now you can better understand why they love the sun so much!