
Sign Up for the Paint Your Pet Party!

If you need some decor to spruce up your home or if you want a personalized memento of your furry friend, then check out the Paint your Pet Event coming up on February 19th from 12:00 pm to 2:30 pm at Painting with a Twist! How it Works Register on the Painting with a Twist…

The Best Paw Balm of 2022

You may notice during certain times of the year your skin starts to become dry or cracked. But did you know the same thing can happen to your dog? There are many different things that can cause dry or cracked paw pads for your pooch including cold weather, salt on the roads, or walking on…

The Best Eco-Friendly Dog Grooming Products

Let’s face it. Sometimes our dogs can get dirty and smelly and they can’t wait until their next haircut to get a much-needed bath, forcing you to take matters into your own hands and give them a bath at home. But, when you walk into the pet store and become overwhelmed with choices, it can…

Adapting Your Dog to Autumn

As the season changes and we transition from summer to fall, we may enjoy the fall colors and the crisp autumn air. However, this change could also mean more time inside and different allergens in the air, which may be hard for your pooch to understand. They may not grasp this sudden lifestyle change. Here…

Best Dog-Friendly Trails in Des Moines

The best way to get out of the house and get some exercise with Fido this Fall is by going on a hike on one of the many different scenic hiking trails Des Moines has to offer. Here are our top hiking trails in Des Moines! Sycamore Trail The Sycamore Trail is a 6.9-mile loop…

Can Dogs Sense Storms Coming?

Have you noticed your dog acting strangely before a storm? They are our little four-legged weathermen. But can they sense a storm on the way? Can Dogs Sense Storms? Yes, your pup can sense a storm on the way. However, each dog is different and won’t react in the same way. You may notice your…

Lyme Disease: What You Need to Know as a Pet Parent

Lyme disease is more common than ever. In the last 15 years, tick populations have drastically increased, and they are no longer just seasonal; the nasty little bugs come year-round. Keeping your pet safe can be as simple as checking before entering and taking monthly tick medicines. Untreated ticks can lead to heart complications, joint…

Car Safety for Small Dogs

We all want our summer road trips to be cool, calm, and collected; however, sometimes our pets miss the memo! If left in the backseat unsupervised, Fido can get anything on or under the seats causing chaos and headaches. To have a more relaxed trip, check out the safest options for keeping your furry friend…

Should I Be Brushing My Dog's Teeth?

Should I Be Brushing My Dog’s Teeth?

You want the best for your dog, and that includes their hygiene. Dogs are similar to humans in the fact that they need proper dental care! So, should you be brushing Fido’s teeth? Read on to find out! Brushing Teeth About ⅔ of dogs have periodontal disease. This is caused by a long-term build-up of…

Dealing with Your Puppy's Runny Nose

Dealing with Your Puppy’s Runny Nose

The phrase “sicker than a dog” doesn’t reign true if you’ve ever experienced your dog having sniffles. It’s not surprising that our pups can sometimes veer on the dramatic side, but a runny nose is no joke when you can’t reach for a tissue yourself. So, if your furball is sick with congestion, here are…

The Best Dog Breeds for Hunting

The Best Dog Breeds for Hunting

If you’re a hunter, you’ve probably thought about getting a dog to come along and be your hunting companion. Our furry friends have been hunting alongside humans since the domestication of dogs, which means there’s no better tool to have by your side than your pup. Hunting dogs have the keen and natural instincts for…

Country Inspired Dog Names

Country Inspired Dog Names

One of the most exciting things to do when you get a new furry addition to your household is to pick out a name! This may seem like a simple task, but some dog parents, want a name unique to their pooch. If you love the southern lifestyle, always looked up to cowboys, or just…

These Dog Breeds Love the Snow

These Dog Breeds Love the Snow

Whether you enjoy an icy mountain climb, live in a “snow globe” town, or just want to be able to take your dog on cold adventures, you need a breed that loves the freezing temperatures just as much as you do. So, if you’re looking for a forever furry friend who fits into your snowy…

Tips for Taking Fido on a Bike Ride

Tips for Taking Fido on a Bike Ride

Who doesn’t love to feel the breeze in their hair, or fur, as you take in local sights around you or even explore a part of your town you’re less familiar with? Taking a bike ride with your furry friend is not only relaxing bonding time but also a great exercise for you two to…

Why is My Dog Digging in Their Bed?

Why is My Dog Digging in Their Bed?

Just like some humans, dogs have a few strange (or unique) bedtime habits before hitting the hay. Some dogs may chase their tail until they fall asleep or pick out their favorite toys to bring to bed with them. But others may take up digging in their bed as a habit, so what exactly does…