Common Myths About Caring For Your Dog

Common Myths About Caring For Your Dog

Many characteristics that people instantly think of when they think of dogs are actually wrong. Find out how much you really know about your pup with these common dog myths.

Dogs See in Black & White

Many people assume and have heard that dogs are colorblind and only see black, white, and grey. But to the contrary, they do actually see color; it’s just a more limited spectrum than ours. Our furry friends are actually dichromatic, meaning they only see two colors on the frequency and all the colors they make. So while a non-colorblind person sees red, blue, and yellow – a dog will only see red and blue.

A Warm Dry Nose Means Your Dog is Sick

Many owners become worried anytime their pup’s nose isn’t wet. However though, a dog’s nose can be warm and dry, and they can still be completely healthy. Allergies or just dry air can take the moisture right out of your pup’s nose. If this is a consistent thing though, and your canine companion’s nose is cracking, runny, or just been dry for several days, you should contact your veterinarian.

When a Dog Tail Wags They’re Happy

When you come home, and your four-legged friend is whipping their tail back and forth, that most definitely can mean they’re super happy to see you. But your pup’s wagging tail can also be caused by anxiety or frustration. If you pay attention to your dog’s whole body language though, it should be more clear what kind of overall emotion they’re feeling. Observe a canine’s stance, ears, and eyes to help better indicate what they’re feeling.

Your Dog Hates the Mail Carrier

Alright so for all we know your pup could very much see the mail carrier as their arch nemesis – it’s not very likely though. When your furry friend freaks out because the mail carrier has arrived, it’s usually due to their instinct to warn and protect you. If you’d rather your pooch not freak out every time the mail carrier arrives, try introducing them a couple of times, so your pup understands they’re not a threat.

Dogs and Cats Instinctually Hate Each Other

Cat’s are incredibly independent animals, and dogs are curious by nature – which is why they can sometimes not get along, or people assume they shouldn’t get along. If you properly introduce a cat and dog to one another and allow them to socialize, they shouldn’t have many problems though. Your feline friend may still swat at your pooch though if they get in their space and want to play when the cat strictly wants to be left alone. If something like this does happen, it’s essential to know how to redirect the situation, so it doesn’t escalate.

So next time you hear a “fact” about your furry friend, we recommend you look it up or ask your vet just to make sure it isn’t actually a myth – you may learn a lot about your pup that you would’ve never of known before.