Foods your dog should never eat.

Foods Your Dog Should Never Eat

With their appetite, your dog may seem like it, but they are not a garbage disposal. Your furry friend may try to eat anything and everything he can lay his paws on, but unfortunately not everything is safe for them to consume. Evedentally there are some foods that could make your pup extremely sick. Because of this, we have compiled a list of various foods to keep away from Fido, and why.


With the growth in popularity of avocados, its important to understand why this fruit (Yes, an avocado is a fruit) should not be shared with your dog. Avocados have a high fat content which is not good on your dogs stomach. The other danger with avocados to your dog is that the pit is very slippery and hard making it easy for your dog to swallow. This can lead to gastrointestinal obstruction. Make sure you don’t share any avocados the next time you get Chipotle or you’re on the patio at T/aco Colorado.

Macadamia Nuts

These tiny nuts may seem innocent, but they are far from it. Not only do they carry high-fat content and will irritate your dog’s stomach – they’re also toxic. If your pup consumed only 2 nuts for every pound they weighed they could experience paralysis. As well, they could become severely weak and nauseous to the point that they would need hospitalization.

Cooked Bones

When bones are cooked they become more brittle than when they were raw. This makes them more likely to splinter when your pup is chewing on them, and they can be extremely sharp. This could lead to broken teeth, moth injuries, or even intestinal blockage and damage. So stick to bones you can buy at the store that are made specifically for dogs, instead of left-overs from dinner.

Dairy Products

Most canines are lactose-intolerant and react in just about the same way that people with that condition do. So milk, cheese, and ice cream can cause a lot of stomach irritation. Issues like vomiting, diarrhea, and other gastrointestinal problems can occur and become so severe that they may need hospitalization.


This one may come as a surprise to some pet parents, but the loads of fat that are in this breakfast treat can lead to things such as pancreatitis, an inflammation in the pancreas that does not allow it to function properly.

Corn on the Cob

The corn isn’t so bad, what you need to worry about is the inner cob. It can cause clogging in your pups digestive track and corn cobs are notoriously known among doctors to be hard to see on x-rays.


Most owners have heard the horror stories of chocolate and how fatal they can be to your dog. The reason chocolate is so bad for them is because it contains compounds like caffeine. Digested this can lead to vomiting, dehydration, abdominal pain, muscle tremors, irregular heart rhythm, seizures, and sadly even death.

White Bread

Processed white bread has tons of oil and sugar that can lead to pancreatitis in dogs. Severe pancreatitis requires a variety of medical treatment and excessive hospitalization.

Excessive Salty Foods

In small doses, salt will probably just make them thirsty. But in large amounts sodium can cause issues like tremors and seizures.

It’s okay to pass your pup a few pieces of leftover dinner every once in awhile. But before you do make sure it’s safe for them to consume, because the last thing you want to do is accidentally feed Fido something that could potentially harm his health.