How Cold is too Cold for Dogs?

How Cold is too Cold for Dogs?

Their furry coats might deceive you, but just like you, your canine companion gets cold in frigid weather. Some dogs are bred for cold weather work – but every pup has their limit. Read on to learn more about how you can keep your dog safe during the winter season.

When the Temperature Should Cause Concern

It’s usually a safe bet to assume if the weather is above 45 degrees, your four-legged friend should be fine. When the weather starts to dip below that, though, you should begin to cater to your younger pups, senior dogs, and short-haired breeds. When the weather is below 45 degrees, it shouldn’t cause you any immediate concern. It merely means that dogs not bred for cold weather may start to feel uncomfortable.

Now, when the weather is at or below 32 degrees, you should probably be pulling out a sweater or coat for more sensitive pups (short-haired, puppies, and senior dogs).

When you notice the temperature dipping below 20 degrees, though, no matter what breed or age your dog is – you should be aware of the potential dangers your pooch can face. When the weather is that low, you should be mindful of how long your dog is outside for, checking on them ever so often, and be well aware of the signs that your dog is too cold.

Does Your Furry Friend Need a Sweater

Whether or not your canine companion needs a sweater, usually depends on their breed. Most dogs will be perfectly fine in cold weather for short periods. For when your pooch will be outside for a more extended amount of time, you should keep in mind these factors:

  • Dogs with thin body types or fine/thin hair will need a coat when going outside
  • Small dogs (especially puppies) will usually require a sweater or jacket when playing out in the cold since they can’t generate the same amount of body heat
  • If you have a senior dog or a pup who is sick, they’ll generally have a weaker immune system and will feel much better if wrapped in a cozy coat when out in the winter weather

Are Doggy Booties Necessary

Doggy booties aren’t a necessity, but they can be accommodating in the cold weather. With ice, salt, and antifreeze being almost everywhere your dog steps – their paws are going to need some protection. Some dogs just can’t seem to ever get accustomed to doggy booties, and in that case, you shouldn’t force your pooch to wear them. But if you’re able to acclimate your furry friend into wearing booties, it’s definitely recommended, especially in these instances:

  • If Fido has an injury, it’ll keep an open wound or sore spot protected
  • If de-icers have been thrown everywhere due to icy weather, they can keep them safe from toxic chemicals
  • When going on long winter walks with your pooch these can help keep their paws protected

Signs Your Pooch is Too Cold

When the weather becomes too cold for your pup, they’ll give you signs that should let you know when they need to go back inside. If your canine starts shivering, whining, seems anxious, or starts to slow down like in a lethargic way – you should take them back inside. If your furry friend seems to be actively searching for a warm place to hide out it, then you definitely should be escorting your pup to the warmth of the indoors.

Above all, keep in mind, if it’s too cold for you, it’s too cold for Fido as well. Always play it safe rather than sorry when it comes to your pup’s health.