Dog proofing your home.

Quick Ways to Pet Proof Your House

When you have a pet, safety is your number one priority. It can be tough to remember all the little things you need to do in order to keep your home safe. It is incredibly important that you stay on top of keeping your house safe and pet-friendly so that your pet doesn’t have any accidents! When it’s possible, being proactive with prepping your home is much easier than dealing with an injury or issue later on. It is expensive and time consuming to try to fix an issue after the fact, so you might as well take these precautions now. Here are some quick and easy ways to make sure your home is 100% pet proofed!

Keep Chemicals Away

Our pets are naturally curious and will often sniff and lick anything they come into contact with. While this can sometimes be fine, it can also be extremely dangerous. If pets ingest certain chemicals, such as some cleaning supplies or medicines, it can be very toxic to them. Be sure these are completely stored away so that your pet can’t possibly get into them. There are also some things that may be in your garage or yard, such as antifreeze or certain mulches, that can make dogs sick. Know what chemicals are in your home and keep your dog away from them. On top of this, you can also try to buy products that have ingredients that are non-toxic for dogs.

Food and Trash

The food your dog eats also plays a big part in their safety. You should be sure that you don’t let your dog eat any foods that can be dangerous to dogs, as well as keeping these foods out of reach for them. To help with this, be sure that your trash is securely closed behind a cabinet or in a sturdy container your dog can’t open, such as a pedal operated bin. Your dog can get sick from spoiled food, unsafe food, or just the plastics and other trash in there. To be safe, keep it away from them.

Microchipping and Open Doors

Another big fear dog owners may have is that their dog will get out somehow. One way to prevent this and keep your dog safe is to make sure you are always closing doors and windows. Check that there are no holes in your fence or any places your dog could use a path to get lost. It can be easy to forget to close a door behind you every time, but it is important to keep your dog safe. In addition, you can also consider microchipping your dog so you can always find them.

Cover Cords and Wires

While cords and wires on the floor may not even phase us, they can be dangerous to our dogs. They can get into chewing on them and possibly risk electrocution and burns. Try to keep them pushed against walls with tape or off the floor all together. make sure they’re secure and that your dog can’t gnaw at them. You can also try spraying them with something bad tasting to keep your dog away. If none of this is working for you, just unplug the cords before you leave your dog at home.

Overall, it isn’t too hard to keep your home safe and pet-friendly! Just follow these steps and keep a close on your pet. Good luck!