Why Isn’t My Puppy Eating?

As a new puppy owner, it can be concerning when your furry friend suddenly stops eating. There can be several reasons why a puppy may refuse to eat, from health issues to picky eating habits. In this post, we’ll be exploring some of the most common reasons why puppies may not be eating and what you can do to help.

Stress or Anxiety

Just like humans, dogs can experience stress and anxiety that can affect their appetite. If your puppy has recently gone through a big change, such as moving to a new home or experiencing a traumatic event, they may be feeling stressed or anxious, causing them to lose their appetite. Try to create a calm and comfortable environment for your puppy and provide them with plenty of love and attention to help alleviate any stress or anxiety.

Illness or Health Issues

If your puppy has stopped eating suddenly, it may be due to an underlying health issue. Puppies are susceptible to illnesses such as parvovirus and gastrointestinal issues, which can cause them to lose their appetite. If you suspect that your puppy may be sick, take them to the vet immediately to get a proper diagnosis and treatment.

Change in Diet

Puppies can also be picky eaters, and a sudden change in their diet can cause them to refuse to eat. If you’ve recently switched your puppy’s food, they may be hesitant to try the new food. Try to introduce new foods gradually and mix them in with their current food to make the transition easier.


Puppies go through a teething phase just like human babies, and this can cause discomfort and pain in their mouths, making it difficult for them to eat. Provide your puppy with plenty of chew toys and treats specifically designed for teething puppies to help alleviate any discomfort and encourage them to eat.

If your puppy isn’t eating, it can be concerning, but there are several reasons why this may be happening. As a responsible puppy owner, it’s important to monitor your puppy’s behavior and seek medical attention if necessary. By creating a calm and comfortable environment, providing your puppy with appropriate chew toys and treats, and introducing new foods gradually, you can help encourage your furry friend to eat and maintain a healthy appetite.