
Protect Your Dog’s Paws from Snow, Ice, Salt

Protect Your Dog’s Paws from Snow, Ice, Salt

Winter months can be tough for both humans and our pups. Whether we’re dealing with cold temperatures, harsh wind, or other hardships of the winter, it can take a toll on our bodies. One part of our pups bodies that can especially be affected is their paws. When you’re out on your walks or getting…

The danger of puddles for dogs.

The Danger of Puddles to Your Dog

When there is a thunderstorm or a couple rainy days in a row, getting outside with your dog is super important. It’s key that your dog take a long walk and get out any pent up energy they may have after built up after being cooped up for a few days. They need exercise, as…

The Cost of a Good Dog Trainer

What does a good dog trainer cost? Do you have a number in mind? Read on to find out if you’re in the ballpark. The short answer is, of course, it varies. But as dogs grow in esteem as valued family members, the value of having a polite dog is also growing. And let’s be…

Should you add a third dog to your family?

Social media is always blasting dog lovers’ feeds with pictures of dogs who need homes, or who have come from abusive situations. Even cute puppy pictures can ignite the urge to add to your family. At Sit Means Sit, Metro Detroit we are big advocates for multiple dog households in the right situation. There are…

Will your dog bite? The Speed of Aggression

“He just snapped.” “The bite came out of nowhere.” We hear statements like this quite a bit in our business. As trainers, our job is to help people deal with the aftermath of traumatic instances of aggression from the family pet. Communication between dogs and people is wrought with missteps and misunderstandings. Never is this…

TPLO Surgery: My personal insights and a conversation with Top Dog Health’s Dr. James St. Clair

Read to the end for a VIDEO: Booker’s first time on the underwater treadmill May 27th 2015 was a day I had been dreading for weeks. My worst nightmare with our working shepherd, Booker, had come true. He had a torn ACL (anterior cruciate ligament) and May 27th was the day he would have surgery….

How to train a show puppy

Maybe your breeder has asked you if you would be willing to show a puppy. Maybe you are curious about those dogs you watch on TV. Maybe you have a purebred and you are looking to learn about how to show a dog. One thing is certain – if you want a show dog who…

The Responsible Female Dog Owner

“Yeah!  I’m so happy!” says your friend. “Hey, what’s the good news?” you ask. “My daughter is having a baby!” “Congratulations!!  How old is your daughter?” “She’ll be thirteen in two weeks!” Right here, you might think you’ve stepped into the Twilight Zone.  Because who in their right mind would be happy about such a…

Does a board and train affect the bond?

One of the programs that we offer for our clients is something called a Board and Train.  This means that we actually take a dog to live with us for a period of time to complete training.  Our two programs are a Jumpstart (one week) and Bootcamp (two weeks). Typically people have a fairly strong…

Genetics, Temperament and Aggression

“Just so long as it is believed that environment alone will influence the behavior of our dogs, and that heredity is not the main influence, just that long will we have timid and uncertain temperaments in the breed.”  ~ Lloyd Brackett, from the May 1932 Shepherd Review.     Many times as trainers we are called…