
Can Dogs See Ghosts?

Can Dogs See Ghosts?

Does the myth of dogs being able to see ghosts hold true? Or do our pups just randomly stare off and bark into the abyss? Whatever you may believe, the idea that your dog sees something that you can’t is both spooky and unsettling. Read on to dive deeper into the question, “can dogs see…

Why is Two Dogs Better Than One?

Why is Two Dogs Better Than One?

Ever heard the phrase “two is better than one”? As dog owners, we can all agree that this is true when it comes to our beloved furry friends. Having two dogs is twice the fun! While having more than one dog can prove to be challenging at some times, especially if they’re both pups, but…

Why Dogs Need Their Own Space

Why Dogs Need Their Own Space

Just like their owners, dogs need their own personal space. Giving your furry friend their own space allows them to have some quiet downtime, sleep, or just rest after a long and tiring playtime. There are a few options that are great for creating an area for your dog’s space, so here’s a rundown and…

Why Dogs Scoot

Why Dogs Scoot

Scooting is something that all pet parents dread – their dogs bum dragging across the floor. This typically is happening because of some sort of discomfort with their glands, allergies, or itchiness.  Why They Scoot There are several reasons why your dog could be scooting such as irritation, allergies, parasite, or neoplasia. The most common…

Why Dogs Put Their Paws on You

Why Dogs Put Their Paws on You

Owning a dog comes with a lot of benefits, such as increased happiness to owner and dog when walking. However, the greatest benefit is the loving relationship you and your dog build. Most owners experience their dog pawing at their legs. Most brush this off as an act of annoyance, but in reality it’s their…

What to do if Your Dog Eats a Cicada

What to do if Your Dog Eats a Cicada

Every year, we all hear a buzz from the ground or on the ground, this sound comes from cicadas. Periodical cicadas spend exactly 13 or 17 years underground, and 2021 is the end of the 17 years period. Trillion of cicadas are set to emerge and cover the ground, cars, trees, and houses. They can…

Tips for Keeping Your Dogs Bowls Clean

Tips for Keeping Your Dogs Bowls Clean

Do you remember the last time you cleaned your dogs bowl? Even long time dog owners sometimes forget or don’t realize that their dogs bowl needs to be regularly cleaned. Dirty dog dishes can be hazardous to your pooch. The water and food bowls can become breeding grounds for bacteria and germs. We’re going to…

Am I Ready For A Dog?

Am I Ready For A Dog?

If you’ve never owned a dog, answering the question of if you are ready for one can be tricky. Even if you have owned a pooch in the past, it’s still important to evaluate your current situation to be sure you are ready for a furry friend to be in your life. Adopting a pooch…

Vet Recommended Dog Foods

Vet Recommended Dog Foods

When it comes to food, there are many factors involved in choosing the best food for your pet. Breed, size, age, weight, skin and coat condition, medical history, overall health, and of course price are all important when it comes to choosing the best fit for your pup. Your furry friend’s veterinarian is a great…

What Do Dogs Find Tasty

What Do Dogs Find Tasty

Your pup’s tongue is their own personal watchdog to the health of their stomach. Without those taste buds, your canine companion would have a challenging time differentiating between food that is safe and dangerous for them to devour. Just like their human owners, dogs can detect sweet, sour, salty, and bitter tastes. However, unlike their…