
Tips for Stoping Dog Tracks From Getting in Your House

No one likes a messy house, especially if your furry friends are making that mess. If your companion tends to track around the mud, you probably don’t appreciate them tracking it into the house or on you! If you are looking to keep muddy paws to a minimum, check out the tips below! Dog Paw…

Indoor Bathroom Solutions for Dogs

Whether you have a new puppy, live in an apartment, or need a handy tool, an indoor dog potty is a great product! Things To Consider Size The size of the doggy potty you choose will depend on the size of your pooch and the space you have available. It would be best if you…

Why You Shouldn’t Shave Your Husky

Huskies have a double coat and are genetically designed to withstand extremely frigid temperatures. Because of this, there are some misconceptions about a Husky’s coat. Double Coat: Misconceptions While other breeds such as German Shepherds and Golden Retrievers also have a double coat, there are misconceptions about a Husky’s double coat. Uneducated Husky owners believe…

How Can I Help Ukraine’s Animals?

Ukrainians have been put in a horrific situation where they fear for their safety as well as the safety of their family, including pets. People have been fleeing their homes and attempting to bring their pets with them. However, not every animal has a home or a family. Additionally, not all people are able to…

What Should I Keep in My Dog's Backpack?

What Should I Keep in My Dog’s Backpack?

If you and your canine companion often go on adventures together, you probably have gotten them their own doggie backpack. But what exactly should you keep in their backpack to ensure you have all the pup essentials you need? Here’s a list of all the necessities you should keep in your pooch’s backpack for their…

Relieving Your Dog's Seasonal Allergies

Relieving Your Dog’s Seasonal Allergies

As the seasons change, allergies have a field day with humans and dogs alike. Allergies for your furry friend can be a real pain. From runny noses, sneezing, or coughing, doggie allergies can get fairly serious. Dog’s seasonal allergies can be similar to those that humans experience, which means you’ll also need to take measures…

How to Stop Your Dog's Continuous Barking

How to Stop Your Dog’s Continuous Barking

If your dog is an avid barker, it may seem like there’s no end in sight to their constant noise. But, there are a few tips to help control your pooch’s excessive barking! After all, both you and your neighbors are probably tired of hearing the unnecessary yapping from your furry friend. Read on to…

Crafts You Can Do with Your Dog

Crafts You Can Do with Your Dog

Going on outdoor adventures with your furry friend is always a blast. But, if you’re looking to spend a cozy day in, try doing some crafts with your pooch! Here’s a list of fun and adorable crafts to do with your canine companion by your side. Doggie Drink Coaster Create a custom coaster inspired by…

Tips on Puppy Proofing Your Home

Tips on Puppy Proofing Your Home

It might seem silly to say, but puppies are similar to babies in a lot of ways. And one of the main things the two have in common is that you have to prepare for their arrival! Whether you prepare by buying fancy artisan food bowls and cozy sweaters or just the essentials, everyone should…

Dog Walking Tips

January is National Walk Your Dog Month, so in celebration, we wanted to share some of our favorite tips for walking your dog. Consider Using a Harness While leash training is essential, the type of leash you’re using is also a significant factor. One of the most significant problems many pet parents face is their…