Health & Safety

The Most Common Health Problems Found in Dogs

Just like us, our companions can develop common health problems. Read below to learn what those problems are and what you can do to help your furry friend. Parasites Parasites are everywhere and include external and internal bugs. External parasites include fleas and ticks. Whereas internal parasites include heartworms or intestinal worms. But, there are…

How Do You Treat Kennel Cough?

Kennel cough is a highly contagious respiratory disease that is also known as Canine Infectious Respiratory Disease (CIRD).  This disease causes inflammation of the trachea and bronchioles. This causes your pal to have a dry cough. Symptoms Some symptoms of kennel cough include persistent dry cough, coughing during the night preventing sleep, retching white foam,…

Is My Dog Constipated?

Constipation is one of the most common digestive issues in dogs. Below are some tips to identify constipation and what to do if you think your pup is constipated. Symptoms A clear sign your pal is constipated is if they have not had any bowel movement for at least two days. Additionally, if your pooch…

A Guide to Puppy Vomiting

Vomiting can be especially worrisome in puppies since they are more prone to becoming dehydrated and losing critical electrolytes. There are various reasons why your puppy could be vomiting or why you might need your puppy to vomit. To better understand your puppy’s vomiting and how to safely handle it, read on! What Causes Puppy…

dog with stick in mouth

How to Stop Fido from Scavenging on Walks

Walks are great. We all know that, but they get tricky when your curious companion gets distracted by food that other passers have dropped. Scavenging in dogs is incredibly common, so much so that it’s considered instinct when you evaluate it with different habits. Thus, there’s no real way to stop them completely. However, allowing…

How to Make a Dog Drink Water

How to Make a Dog Drink Water

Hydration is key for a dog’s good health, but sometimes it can be hard to get your pooch to lap down as much water as they need. Dogs may refuse water if they’re sick, recovering, or are just plain stubborn. Usually, dogs won’t drink water because of a health issue, but not doing so can…

The Difference in Aging Between Dogs & Humans

The Difference in Aging Between Dogs & Humans

Times flies by fast, especially when you’re having fun making memories with your furry friend. Just like us, dogs age, but we don’t often notice when they’re maturing like we can with humans. You may have looked at your pet and wondered “How old are you really?”. With older age, dogs start to get more…

Signs Your Dog is Going Blind

Signs Your Dog is Going Blind

It’s not always easy to know if your furry friend is starting to lose their vision, however, recognizing it early can be important in finding the correct treatment for them. Being familiar with the warning signs can help diagnose vision problems and give you information on the best ways to handle it. Know the Signs…

What Nuts are Safe for Dogs to Eat?

What Nuts are Safe for Dogs to Eat?

Dogs love for us to share our snacks with them, but their gastrointestinal system can’t process the high fat and calories in nuts. Too many nuts can cause pancreatitis, requiring a veterinarian’s care. Many nuts also contain salts, spices, and sweeteners that dogs can’t process like we can. If you just can’t resist sharing, unsalted,…

Kennel Cough in Dogs

Why is My Dog Coughing?

Have you noticed your dog coughing more than normal? It can be concerning to hear your sweet pup struggling to breath or coughing a lot. While it is normal for your dog to be coughing occasionally, it is not normal if they are struggling when coughing and can’t seem to stop. If your dog is…