Tips for Slowing Dog Eating in 2020

Tips for Slowing Dog Eating in 2020

Some dogs take their time to eat their kibble. Other dogs inhale their food without even chewing. It can be fascinating to see how fast your dog can eat his bowl of food, but it can be quite dangerous for our dogs to eat as fast as they do. Firstly, they can choke, which can be life-threatening. Gagging on their food can result in vomiting and discomfort as well. Second, eating quickly can result in a serious medical condition called bloat. Bloat occurs when the stomach expands and may twist within the abdomen. This is life-threatening and will send the dog into shock immediately.

When a dog eats too fast, he gulps down an excessive amount of air with his food, causing the expansion of his stomach which increases the chances of bloat.

We have put together a list of items and ideas that can help you manage and slow down your fast eating canine.

How to Slow Down a Fast Eating Dog

  1. Slow-Feeder Bowls- These are very efficient in slowing down the eating process. Read some reviews on different types of bowls to see which one is best for your breed.
  2. Food Puzzles – these are comprised of different nooks and crannies for your dog’s food to fit into, therefore making it quite hard for him to take large gulps.
  3. Cookie Sheet– spreading your dog’s food across a cookie sheet makes it challenging for him to inhale large amounts. You can even try a muffin pan and put the food into each individual cup.
  4. Hand Feed – although this does take time, it’s a way to make sure your dog is eating slowly. You can even use training time as meal time! Use your dog’s regular food as rewards during any type of training.

If you have any tips or tricks on how you handled a fast eating dog, we would love to hear your suggestions!