Hungry All the Time?

Hungry All the Time?

You may wonder why your dog acts hungry all the time, even though you feed him a generous amount. The answer is, no one really knows. Some experts believe it is linked to how early wolves domesticated themselves by scavenging leftover scraps at human camps. Instinctually, dogs learn the concept of scarcity and food being a limited resource early on in life.

We have created a guide to help you control your hungry pup.

How to Handle a Hungry Dog

Consult your vet on your dog’s actual dietary needs per day, create a regular feeding schedule for your dog, and stick to it. If you do have a dog that will inhale anything, especially if that dog is overweight, hen you have to take control. Don’t let anyone in the house give him human scraps or handouts, and only give treats when your dog has earned them.

You can slow down a fast eater with special food bowls that make it more challenging for them to pick up the food.

A Sudden Change in Appetite

When a dog’s habits change suddenly, it’s usually a sign of something. There are two reasons a habit as basic and instinctive as appetite might change suddenly: psychology or physiology. Psychological reasons include changes in environment. Did you recently move? Any changes in the household?

If there have been no obvious changes in the household recently, then the most likely cause of your dog’s increased hunger is a physical problem.

A sudden increase of appetite in a dog can be a symptom of a number of conditions:

  • Aging
  • Bacterial overgrowth in the intestines
  • Cushing’s disease
  • Diabetes
  • Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency
  • Hyperthyroidism
  • Reaction to medication

As a pet parent, it is your job to provide protection and direction. If you notice a change in appetite in your pup, you need to determine the cause.

Are you currently dealing with a constantly hungry dog? We would love to hear about it and your course of action.