Kennel Cough in Dogs

Why is My Dog Coughing?

Have you noticed your dog coughing more than normal? It can be concerning to hear your sweet pup struggling to breath or coughing a lot. While it is normal for your dog to be coughing occasionally, it is not normal if they are struggling when coughing and can’t seem to stop. If your dog is sick, you may need take them into the vet and get some help. Here’s some info on why your dog is coughing and what you can do.

Where Does the Cough Come From?

Dogs can get a cough from germs and other particles that enter their body when they breath in. And of course, this can cause other illnesses. Our dogs just naturally sniff and lick almost everything (floors, furniture, toys), so they can easily pick up bacteria and viruses. Dogs can also easily pass these germs to each other.

Causes of the Cough

Kennel Cough

When your dog has a deep, common cough, this is kennel cough. This cough usually consists of hacking and gagging. The cause is usually being around a lot of other dogs (hence the name kennel cough). Groomers, dog parks, training classes, playgrounds, etc. are all places your dog can pick up this cough from another sick dog. While it is very contagious, it’s not actually too dangerous. Keep a watchful eye on your dog to make sure they are eating, drinking, and acting normal. If they do this, they should feel better in a week, but you can still touch base with your vet.

Less Common Cough Causes

  • Fungal infections: These infections are easily fixed with prescription meds.
  • Heartworm: This is spread by mosquitos, but it is also prevented with an injection/medicine.
  • Distemper: This relatively serious, but can be prevented with a vaccine.
  • Heart disease: If your dog has heart disease, they can cough from the pressure on their lungs. The right diet, exercise, and medication can help this type of cough.
  • Lung problems:  Just like us, our dogs can get bronchitis or pneumonia.

When to Call the Vet

Odds are you won’t be able to pick out what the exact cause of your dog’s cough is. You’ll probably just be thinking the worst! Here are some reasons to call your vet to check it out:

  • The cough lasts more than a week, or worsens
  • They seems extra tired
  • They have a fever
  • They won’t eat
  • They are having other health problems

What to Look For

There are a few things you can look out for to tell your vet if you decide you should go:

  • Are they have trouble breathing between their coughing fits?
  • When are they coughing? (At night, after drinking/eating, after exercising?)
  • Does it sound like a dry or wet cough?
  • Has your dog been in any new/different situations?
    • Vacation, around other dogs, new places?
  • Have you made any changes to their routine?
  • Are they up-to-date on their shots and heartworm prevention?

Your vet can properly determine what the cause is and hopefully prescribe a medication to fix it!

Prevention is key with doggie coughs, so be sure your dog is up to date on medications/shots! Hopefully your dog will be feeling better in no time.