Why You Should Only Use Dog-Safe Shampoo on Fido

Bathtime is generally straightforward. You wash your hair, wash your body, then dry yourself off. Simple, right? Well, doggy bathtime can be a little more complicated than that, and there are many things that you have to do differently to make sure that it goes smoothly. For example, you should always use dog-safe shampoo no matter how easy it might be to use what you have on your shelf.

Because Regular Shampoo Isn’t Dog-Safe

Humans and dogs have very different skin, requiring different chemicals to keep them in check. Using dog-safe shampoo can help you avoid painful skin irritation that causes them to itch and bite, which leads to infection and more trouble than necessary. Dog shampoo is built with dog pH in mind, so it’s always better to use it instead of what you have on your shelf. 

Because It’s Hypoallergenic and Better for Your Dog

Dogs can be allergic to many ingredients that we use in our soaps and conditioners. Using dog shampoo can help you avoid any allergic reactions that you might not be aware of. Aim for a hypoallergenic shampoo to help with any skin irritation they might be developing. Oatmeal-based shampoos are best since they’re gentle and soothing on the skin. Plus, they smell great!

Because It’s Specially Designed for Dog Conditions

Aside from the skin issues, dog shampoos are specially designed to treat chronic dog ailments, like itching or mange. If you notice your dog scratching more, then wash them with a medicated shampoo with hydrocortisone or lidocaine will do wonders. Some other dog shampoos are designed to take care of specific coats. If your buddy has a bright white coat and you’d like to keep it that way, invest in a brightening shampoo. If you’ve got a particularly stinky boy, then a deodorizing shampoo will do wonders for you.